Chapter 9

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'No he didn't.' Saz refused to believe what I told her when she finally woke up.

'Simon did what?' Frey shouted from the living room and I giggled.

'I don't know whether to be mildly concerned or just happy for you.' Sarah shook her head and pulled her messy bed hair behind her ears. I just looked at her with a big smile, waiting to see what she finally decided.

'Stop smiling like that! Like okay, I get it, you're happy.' She said and I laughed.

'You do know that I'm going with Josh and she's going with Callux, right?' Frey asked when Sarah and I made our way down the hall to the living room. I felt like I forgot how to breathe.

'Oh...' Was all I could say. That made me feel slightly more uncomfortable. If they were going to have a romantic time with their boyfriends... then maybe I shouldn't go.

'Ooh!' Sarah poked me in the side teasingly and I jumped away.

'So what do I do?' I sat down on one of the chairs at the kitchen island, instantly feeling less excited. Freya and Sarah stood opposite me, looking down at me with worried eyes. Then Sarah broke into a smile.

'You should come! It might make things less awkward and if anything, Frey and I will be there and we can go home whenever you want. Just think that it's nice of him to have invited you.' She told me and Frey nodded.

'What are you going to wear?' I asked and Sarah laughed and shrugged.

'Jeans, a hat, a scarf, gloves. It's cold outside, girl.' Freya told me. Makes sense. 'You know, I kind of can't believe the boys are actually going outside.' She added and we all laughed, heading back to our rooms to go change and get ready for the day.

Maybe if I were to bring my camera, everything will be fine. That way, if something gets awkward, I can pull out my camera and pretend I'm busy taking pictures of something. And Freya and Sarah will be there, so I can just hang out with them. There's no need for that stomach ache I'm having right now.

'Hey!' Sarah laughed and ran over to the boys as soon as they came into sight. She ran straight to Cal, who wrapped his arms around her and twirled her in the air. I was lucky that I already had my camera around my neck and that I was quick enough to capture the moment.

From the corner of my eye, I could see Josh and Freya quickly placing a kiss on each other's cheeks. I pretended I was too busy with my camera to notice Simon standing alone awkwardly, looking at me.

'Shall we go ice skating first?' Freya asked as she suddenly linked her arm with mine. I smiled and quickly put my camera away.

'Sure,' I laughed and we skipped off to the ice rink childishly. We traded our shoes for some ice skates and quickly tied them, hobbling our way towards the rink.

'Guys, I don't think ice skating was a good idea,' I heard Simon laugh awkwardly behind me, holding on to the railing so not to fall over.

'Yeah, your legs are too long.' Vik told him from behind him, making me giggle.

'My legs are just as long as you are.' Simon retorted, making Josh go 'what?' and everyone else to tumble into fits of giggles.

Then a loud bell rang, telling all the ice skaters to get off the ice. A machine went on, cleaning the ice for the next crowd to come.

'That's really satisfying,' Simon said to me, standing behind me in the way that Josh was standing behind Freya. I nodded in agreement, watching as the little tractor slid over the ice. Another loud bell rang, and the doors in front of us opened to let us on the ice.

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