Chapter 50

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'Right... and that's the rooms booked!' Vik said as he twirled around in his desk chair. The rest of the Sidemen and friends were all either in the room or in the kitchen downstairs, and we had just booked the hotel for our trip to Croatia this summer.

'How long do we have to wait?' Asked an overexcited Simon. He had his arm around my waist so my side was pressed against his. His hand was pushed into one of my back pockets.

'A month and a bit,' Vik answered after squinting at his screen for the date of the flight. Simon slumped his shoulders in disappointment. From the corner of my eye I could see Josh slip out of the room whilst holding Freya's hand, and she giggled after he whispered something to her. I frowned at them as they disappeared around the corner, but then shrugged it off.

We all eventually split up, Simon and I heading to his room as he said he wanted to finish editing a video. 'Are you excited or are you excited?' He asked with a light giggle.

'Of course I'm excited. How many cameras should I bring?'

'I love how you ask how many cameras you should bring instead of which one.' He said and pressed a light kiss to my forehead.

'I could help you vlog and stuff, and we could all take really cool portrait shots of each other. Especially with the sea in the background.' Just as he plopped down into his desk chair, he swivelled around to look at me as I sat down on the edge of his bed.

'Can I braid your hair?' He said, following with a couple of coughs.

I raised an eyebrow at him. 'You have no idea how to braid hair,'

'Well I can try, or you can teach me.' He paused. 'Or can I run you a bath? I feel bad if you just sit there whilst I work.'

'Simon, we've done this countless times. You know I like to just sit whilst you edit. No need to spoil me.' I laughed at him. He pulled a sad face and fell into a coughing fit again. 'Are you getting sick?' I tilted my head to the side.

Simon shook his head as he cleared his throat. 'No, I'm fine.'

'Cause if you are, then you have a month and a bit to get over it. There's no way I'm sharing a bed with you in Croatia if you're sickly.' I teased, and his pout deepened.

He stood up from his chair and walked over to me, his hands grazing my thighs as he stood between them, my legs dangling off the side of his bed. 'Not even if I buy you flowers?' He questioned.

I frowned. 'Depends which flowers,'

'Your favourite.' He answered.

'What are my favourite flowers then?' I insisted.

He rolled his eyes dramatically. 'White tulips, and I get extra points if they're from the Netherlands.' I smiled at his answer and so did he, satisfied that he still remembered. He spun around on his heel and turned back to his desk to start editing. Just before he walked out of reach, I reached out to smack his bum, causing him to shoot forward quickly.

'If you do that again I might have to cancel tonight's video,' He said with a smirk plastered on his lips.

'Simon Edward Minter!' I laughed and let myself fall back on his bed, opening my phone and starting to scroll through my Instagram feed. Only seconds later did my clumsiness kick in as my phone slipped out of my hands and fell right on my face.

'Karma,' Simon chuckled.


Twitter: overworkdwriter (I saw some of you followed me recently, thank you so much)

Again a super short chapter... so here you go...? Just Simon being cheeky. I went to a Harry Styles concert last night and ajdosjckbxksnxk

Today (I don't know why) but I was imagining how sick it would be if this book would become a movie. Or if Simon and Lu's old flat was an actual place you guys could visit to see what it was like. hsifaoefoaefo that would be soooo cool (I'll make it happen one day)


Mel xx

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