Chapter 17

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'Ah, there she is! Rise and shine, princess!' Freya mocked as I stumbled into the living room the next morning. When I got home last night, I quickly pulled on my pyjamas before I fell asleep, curled up in a ball on top of my bedsheets with a soft but true smile on my face.

'Hey! At what time did you get home last night? Freya and I fell asleep waiting for you, so sorry if you tried to call and we didn't pick up.' Sarah said. It made my stomach churn to think that they wouldn't have answered my call because they were asleep if something had happened to me last night.

'I think I got home around 2ish.' I said and curled up again on the couch, sleep inviting me to close my eyes again.

'2 in the morning?' Freya said, evidently shocked. All I could do was nod.

'But what did you do?' Sarah asked with a raised eyebrow.

I shrugged. 'We watched a movie and I fell asleep halfway through–'

'Poor Simon,' Freya laughed but I shot her a glare and continued.

'And then I woke up because Josh and Simon were arguing that I was staying over so late and that you guys would be worried. Josh offered to drive me home but then Simon said he would so... yeah.' I finished.

I wondered what they would do if I told them about the semi-cuddling, if you could even call it that.

'Why are you thinking so hard?' Sarah frowned down at me. I sat up and rubbed my head.

'Nothing, I'm just thinking about how much work I still have to finish this weekend.' I lied.

'You know, something tells me you're hiding something something. Anything else happen last night that you didn't want to tell us just now?' I felt the blood run cold in my veins.

'No,' I lied once more. Freya raised a single eyebrow in response. 'Hey, can I do some work for maybe around an hour so I can get some stuff done? Seeing as I didn't have time to do anything yesterday, and I still need to write another 2,000 words for my writing project. The draft is due this week.'

'Writing is easy for you. You're lucky you can write those 2,000 words within an hour. Anything else you want to do today though?' She asked.

'We could go out and take a couple of pictures?' I offered. The two of us were slowly making our way back down to my room, where I opened up my laptop so I could get started on my writing project.

'Ooh, yes!' She said and with that, she walked out of my room and shut the door behind her.

Just as I had opened up my writing project document and had gathered some ideas for what I could possibly write next, my phone buzzed on my bed next to me.

I picked it up out of curiosity, only to see it was Ed, the photographer from the photoshoot yesterday, who had sent me a text. I opened up my phone to read it.

Ed Hours 📷: Just wanted to say that the pictures for the shoot turned out really nice, I think they'll be great for Callum's new clothing line. Do you want me to send some of the pictures of you? Usually my clients are eager to post them online...

Ed Hours 📷: By the way, I've been contacted by several magazines who say they know you and Sarah, and that they're keen to feature you in their upcoming releases. What should I tell them?

The excitement was bubbling up inside me, so I just sat there on my bed and stared at my phone with a smile on my face. Things were happening. I always said that there is a difference between living and existing, and it's as if I'm finally starting to live. I let my thumbs hover over the keyboard, hesitating what to text back.

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