Chapter 26

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It was Wednesday, and Sarah and I had just come back from a day at uni. We didn't actually have any classes, because who has school this close to Christmas? We went anyway to get a couple of things so that we could work over the short break we were given.

Since the weekend I had gotten a small cold. Empty boxes of tissues were scattered around my room, and my bin was completely full with used tissues. It disgusted me to look at it, and I had to force myself not to gag. The rims of my nostrils felt raw and dry from the hard tissues I use – they were the cheapest ones at Tesco's.

I also hadn't talked to Simon since I woke him up and practically chased him out of the flat. My stomach churned at the memory; I regretted it now. Seriously, who kicks someone out of their apartment that early right after they wake up? Even if they are your ex?

I was sitting behind my desk in my room with my door closed. I was clicking about, looking through some recent pictures. I had also sent a small folder of pictures, including the one of Toddy Powell, to Ed, who said he'd send them through to a couple of magazines. I had yet to receive a reply.

Eventually I got bored, and so I blasted music from my speakers as I scrolled through my social media. There was nothing important or interesting, I was mainly just scrolling through tweets from the boys that had their new videos linked to them.

I jumped back up and my laptop regained my attention when it beeped to tell me I had received an email. I was already jumping for joy when I saw it was from Ed, with the subject title Magazine photographs.

Hi Lu,

I have really great news! So with your pictures, I decided to reach out to a couple of the bigger magazines just in case, you know? I know you will have heard of  The Modern magazine, they're super famous. Everybody reads it. I'm pretty sure I've seen a couple of their magazines lying around the Sidemen house, anyway.

Point is, they loved your photography!! They said there were 'interested in dedicating a page towards her and her photography, but it would be amazing if we could organise a photoshoot in Central London for the front cover of the issue'.


Please tell me you'll say yes. I've given them your email, and they said they'll be in touch soon.


Ed ;)

P.S if you decide you don't want to do it (you're crazy if you don't), I have a couple of smaller magazines lined up who said they'd love to interview you and star your work in their upcoming issues.

My mind was whizzing with thoughts. My heart was beating a thousand times a minute, to the point where I was sure it was unhealthy. Of course I know The Modern, who doesn't? The Modern is one of the, if not the most well-known magazine of all time, globally.

I didn't know what to do. Part of me wanted to call The Modern and scream yes, and part of me was sure I was dreaming.

'What did you get Josh for Christmas?' I asked Freya casually. The three of us were sitting on the couch with hot bowls of soup in our hands. I decided to make myself one because it would help with my cold, but the smell filled the entire flat so I ended up making some for everyone.

Freya and Sarah had spent the past hour making me pose in front of them so to practice for my photoshoot with The Modern. It's almost as if they were more excited than I was. I had quickly received an email from them after Ed told me about everything, and within minutes our photoshoot was scheduled. Everything felt so surreal, and I felt like such an average person, enjoying a hot bowl of soup with my two best friends on the couch.

'You'll see,' She smirked and giggled, and then blew on the soup she had balanced in her spoon softly.

'No, come on, not like we're going to tell him.' Sarah complained, needing an answer to my question.

'Okay, I got him a black hoodie that says 'no snakes just ladders' as well as matching hot chocolate mugs for the both of us.' She admitted.

'Awh that's cute. Guess what I got for Callux?' Sarah asked after gulping down her soup loudly.

'I bet you just wrote him a card that says 'I'll give you free cuddles all day', I retorted, making fun of how clingy both of them were.

'Maybe, but that's not all,' Sarah said and Freya and I burst out laughing.

'Did you record yourself singing a love song for him? Or did you write one for him?' Freya asked.

'No, I recon you just bought him new gaming equipment and something for his camera.' I told Sarah and she narrowed her shining blue eyes at me.

'How did you find out?' She quizzed.

I shrugged. 'Seems pretty obvious to me.' I giggled.

'What did you get Simon then?'' Sarah raised her eyebrow. 'No wait, let me guess. It's going to be something super cheesy and romantic and then you'll both finally admit you still like each other.'

I shook my head. 'What is it, then?' Freya was getting impatient as she scooped up the remains of her soup from the bottom of her bowl desperately.

'I found a couple of pictures of us a couple of days ago, so I thought why not put them all in a box or a folder and give them to him?' I explained.

'So you're just throwing everything away?' Sarah let her jaw hang open.

'No, I'm keeping some of them. The best ones.' I clarified. I knew I'd be keeping our one and two year anniversary polaroids.

'I wonder what he's getting you,' Freya said.

'I already know,' Sarah replied.


I might not update for a while because tomorrow is my last proper day on vacation (which I want to enjoy as much as possible) and the next day I'm traveling back home all day.

I've already mentioned that I wrote this book a looong time ago but I'm editing it as I go. The next chapter is a completely new chapter that no one has read before, so I'll need some time to work on it. I hope the wait won't be too long for you guys :) just think that the longer I work on the chapter, the better it will be

Mel xx

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