Chapter 40

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Upstairs, the boys' flat couldn't smell more of sweat. The first thing I did when they opened the door after I knocked was barge into the living room and open all the sliding doors to the balcony as far as they could possibly go.

'No luck with Simon making you breakfast?' Josh asked. Out of the four that stayed here last night, he was the only one who was dressed properly. The others–Harry, Callux and Freezy– were still walking around in their boxers and tees.

I sighed. 'No.' I said quietly, and kept my gaze on the ground. I felt like Josh caught on quickly, and changed the subject by sitting down at his laptop at the dining table. He beckoned for me to come sit next to him.

His laptop screen was turned on and Safari was open. He quickly typed in 'places to visit in summer' in the search bar. 'I was thinking, maybe we could all go on holiday together next summer. Like all of us.'

'Yeah! Let's all get smashed!' Freezy cheered and quickened his pace as he walked into his living room and sat down on the other side of Josh.

'It's not just about you, Callum.' Josh retorted, then opened a couple of websites that showed pictures of exotic places. 'Idea was that we all get to relax. You know, take a break from filming videos, from taking interviews and from school.' Josh said and eyed me when he said the last part. 'I just feel like we've all been extremely hard working and we deserve a little something.'

'Except for Harry. When's the last time you uploaded?' I joked as Harry came down to sit on the couch next to us, listening to what we had to say. He simply flipped me the middle finger.

We spent a long time debating which country to go to. About an hour, to be exact. I suggested Croatia or Italy, but Freezy mentioned Ibiza and Mykonos.

'Please keep in mind my girlfriend is pregnant,' Josh laughed when Freezy started getting hyped up about all the parties and clubs he knows we could go to.

'And that there's more to do in these places than just partying.' I added.

'The girls in Ibiza are much prettier.' He replied.

I rolled my eyes dramatically. 'I think we should consider Croatia. The waters are beautiful there, the food is good, and we could go on a boat ride one day and swim in the ocean. I've been there before and I loved it.'

Josh nodded along and pulled up a tab where he searched 'Hotels by the ocean in Croatia.' A lot of the hotels that came up weren't great and were very pricy. From the pictures on each hotel website, only the view of the ocean was what intrigued us. But apart from hotels, we also found little villas that we could rent out.

'That looks bloody amazing!' Harry said, coming to stand behind Josh so he could see what we were searching.

'A villa sounds good, you know.' Callux joined in finally.

Josh turned to look at me, his eyes searching mine as he thought. 'Maybe you and Simon could share a villa with Freya and I?' He proposed.

'And the rest of us can stay in hotels nearby!' Freezy added, getting much too excited all over again.

'That sounds pretty good,' Cal agreed and Harry nodded along.

'Man, I got to find myself a pretty lady though. You know, otherwise it'll be too boring.' Freezy winked at me as he spoke.

'We should also think about baby stuff and finding a hospital there, too. We'll be there right around the baby's due date.' Josh butted in. If I rolled my eyes dramatically before, this time I did it to an extreme level.

This baby was the number one priority before it was even born.

I had just put my shoes back on and was standing by the front door of the boys' flat with Josh when my phone buzzed in my back pocket. I pulled it out quickly, expecting to see a text from either of the girls or Simon. Instead, I found myself biting my lip until I could taste blood.

Will: hey, haven't heard from you in a while. want to meet up? xx

I hadn't heard from him since his New Years party, since he kissed Gee. I hadn't even seen him around at uni. In fact, over the last couple of weeks, I suddenly doubted he was even still attending school.

Without giving it a second thought, I wrote out a reply.

Me: sounds good :)


It feels like I haven't updated this story in forever!! that's because I've been super busy with school and I really struggle to squeeze this book into my schedule. I hope yous forgive me :)

Also just quickly wanted to say a massive thank you for getting this book ranked in the fanfiction category! It showed up for me a couple of days ago, and I could've screamed. but I was so shocked and lost for words that I didn't lol.

These last two chapters have been filler chapters I know, and they're a little bit boring but I promise the next one will be more exciting 😇

All the love,

Mel xx

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