Chapter 21

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'Freya, Lu! Come here for a second!' I heard Sarah call from the living room. I guessed she was wanting to film another cover of a song. I was sat in my room on my bed, still touching up my writing project. It was Monday, and it was due in a couple of hours as I had to submit it online. 

With a sigh, I dropped my pencil and walked down the hall. Of course, as I had suspected, Sarah was sitting in front of her camera set up, which was in front of her keyboard. Freya walked in the room just after I did. 

'What's up?' Freya asked, fixing her hair. 

'I want to film something,' Sarah began. 

'Okay,' I said and moved straight behind the camera to see if she was in focus and if the lighting was alright. 

'No– Lu, I mean, I want to film with you guys in the actual video.' She explained. I raised my eyebrows at her. 

'Oh,' I laughed awkwardly and sat down on her left. 

'I don't know if you saw on Twitter, but I asked them to send me a couple of questions. On relationship advice, specifically.' She said, her phone already in her hand. 

'Ooh! Fun!' Freya said excitedly and sat down next to Sarah as well. 

'So you're up for it?' She asked. 

'Yeah!' Freya and I said in unison. I still checked if we were all in shot and that the lighting was fine. After that, we filmed the short intro and got straight into answering her followers' questions. 

Half way through the video, Sarah found another question that she seemed particularly excited about. 'This person said; I have a feeling my boyfriend is cheating on me, and he's always out with the other girls from my year. I'm super jealous, not going to lie.' She read out, then she and Freya both looked up at me. 

'I think Lu should answer this one,' Freya told me, and I looked up at the camera in thought. 

'Well,' I started. 'Being jealous is such a horrible feeling that I completely understand and that I'm sure we've all had experience with. Especially when the jealousy has something to do with your boyfriend or girlfriend because they're somebody you really care about and you should be able to trust them. I say that if you're jealous, it's just proof that you really like them and that you care about them. But if they're doing something that's making you jealous, it's most often not a good sign.'

'I think that the best thing you can do right now is to talk to your boyfriend. Maybe tell him that you're jealous, although that might sometimes not be the best idea. I don't know what your boyfriend is like, but I'm just saying that if you tell him you're jealous, there's a slight chance he might use that against you. There are some boyfriends out there that like making their girlfriends jealous because it makes them feel superior.'

'Tell him that what he's doing is making you feel uncomfortable. I think that if he really truly likes you and respects you, he will stop doing what he's doing because he doesn't want to make you feel bad or upset in any way.'

'The fact that you think he's cheating is a whole new level, however. That's possibly the worst feeling to have when you're in a relationship, and it's definitely not healthy. Obviously I don't know how much proof you have about him cheating on you, but you have to go with your gut feeling. If you'd feel comfortable discussing it with him, then go for it. If you're not, that's okay, too.'

'It's also really important to surround yourself with good friends that you know you can trust when all of this is happening. These need to be the people you feel you can talk to about anything at any point. At this point in your relationship, you need someone that will listen to you just rant and throw all your feelings and thoughts out there. You will find those people, I promise. They'll be there to support you with everything and also give you their own opinion on the whole situation. They might even give you some advice. They're the people that will make you feel like a king or queen when you feel like everything's gone to shite.' I smiled briefly, remembering how I got the word 'shite' from Will.

'I get that times like this in a relationship are so hard, and most of the time it's not obvious what you should do. In fact, I'm not really sure of what to tell you. But if you follow everything I've just said, I'm sure the whole process will go down a lot better and you'll feel better about it all.' 

My mouth was dry by the time I finished. 

'What a speech,' Sarah laughed at the camera and Freya and I joined in.

'I wonder what Simon will think of that,' Freya said just as Sarah ended the video. 

And you know, I felt somewhat comfortable with Simon watching that video. I stand by what I said.

All of a sudden, all three of ours phones rang, telling us we all got a text. I opened it to find it was a message posted to the group chat we had with all the Sidemen and friends. 

Simon: everyone up for going to the movies tonight? There's that new movie everyones raving about

The three of us looked up at each other with knowing looks. Freya and Sarah's eyes softened when they looked at me, but then grins showed on all our faces when I nodded. 

Freya: yes from the three of us! Can't wait!


Damn I got a little carried away when Lu had to answer that question. And yes, I based what I wrote off of personal experience. Unfortunately. But like Lu, I stand by what I said. If anyone is going through something similar, don't hesitate to text me. I hope everything turns out well 💕

Also tbh Simon's new hair is ridiculous and he's as single as ever 😂

All the love,

Mel xx

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