Chapter 31

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When I woke up the next morning, I checked my messages only to find out that my interview with The Modern had already been uploaded to YouTube. There was also my copy of the magazine's new edition lying on the floor by the front door, meaning the real edition would be published for the public tomorrow.

I think I spent over an hour just lying in bed, looking through all the comments on Instagram and tweets people were sending me about their reaction to the interview.

Lmao she looks so uncomfortable

Finally Lu being successful without Simon! I'm so proud!!

This makes my heart swell, I love Lu

My heart was beating so fast just scrolling through my Twitter feed because so many people had left so many nice messages about me. And thankfully, The Modern hadn't included the bit of the interview where she asks me about Simon. Few.

I eventually had to force myself out of bed, taking my phone with me as I walked down the hall to the kitchen. Sarah and Freya were both sat at the kitchen island in silence, a spoonful of cereal in one hand and their phones in the other. When they heard me walking in the kitchen, Freya looked up at me with a smile.

'I just watched your interview.' She giggled.

'Why is that so funny?' I smiled as I grabbed a bowl out of the cupboard, knowing exactly why it was funny.

'You looked so uncomfortable.' She laughed and Sarah joined in.

'Have you seen tumblr? You should look yourself up, some of the fans have made those video edit things that make you look really cool.' Sarah recommended. I sat down next to her and looked over her shoulder at her screen. She was indeed scrolling through her tumblr, and quickly typed my name in the search bar.

The first thing that came up was a video edit by xsidefamx. She had taken multiple clips from the interview along with pictures of me and turned it into a video with really over-the-top transitions and club music.

'I look so cool!' I smiled and double tapped on the video.

'Hey, you just liked it! She's going to freak out now.' Sarah laughed and pushed me away. I shrugged.

'She's more likely to be extremely happy than actually freak out.' I told her and Sarah simply shook her head at me.

I was pouring milk in my cereal bowl when Freya suddenly gasped, making me jump and spill milk all over the kitchen counter. 'Freya!' I shouted in pretend anger.

'You'll never guess what I just found,' She replied.

'What is it?' Sarah sounded excited.

'Lucifer's Little Sister,' Freya read out. 'This is a book I wrote because I am a huge fan of Lucifer Williams, and it's about being her little sister and being friends with the Sidemen.'

I blushed but I couldn't hide my smile. 'Is that fanfiction? About me?'  I asked, mopping up the milk carefully so it wouldn't spill on the floor.

'I'm going to read you the beginning. Ready? Today I was going to meet up with my big sister Lucifer in London with her boyfriend Simon Minter. I was really excited because I hadn't met Simon before, and he was a famous YouTuber! '

'No offence to whoever wrote it, but it sounds like she's twelve.' I laughed, and soon the whole flat was filled with hysterical laughter, and the sound of Freya's phone dropping on the floor.

At lunch time I was driving to Will's apartment – which I had never seen before – to pick him up and go into town for lunch. I found my way up to his floor and rang the doorbell, to which a girl about my age answered.

LUCIFER » SIMON MINTERWhere stories live. Discover now