Chapter 36

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'It feels weird to have you drive instead of me,' Simon said. The both of us were sat in my little car, which was quite the downgrade from his. The peaks of his silver dyed hair touched the roof and were threatened to be flattened every time we went over a bump. I burst out laughing when he did hit the roof and squeezed his eyes shut in pain, his hand reaching up to hold the spot that was hit.

'I'm sorry, I'm just one of those people who laughs when others hurt themselves.' I said between laughs.

'I know,' Simon said, trying his best not to smile as he rubbed the sore spot gently.

I was immediately reminded of the time he stumbled into our kitchen, almost falling flat on his face after he had tripped over nothing. The memory made me start laughing again, and I had to swerve to get into the right lane before it was too late because I wasn't paying attention.

'Jesus woman, this is why it was always me who drove!' Simon cried out as his head swung to the side to the sudden movement of the car, banging his head on the window. We eventually came to a stop in front of a red light, which allowed me to sit back and laugh until tears fell from my eyes. 'Do you want me dead?' He finally chuckled along.

'Maybe,' I giggled, starting up the car again when the light turned green. Finally we made our way onto the highway, where driving was a lot less painful. The two of us had finished a conversation and were now just sitting in a comfortable silence. Feeling a little bit awkward, I turned the radio on and tapped along to the beat on my steering wheel.

With my hand left hovering above the gear stick, I could see Simon opening his palm from the corner of my eye. Quickly changing gears, I smiled and then placed my hand in his. This was all too familiar, even the dimples in his cheeks.

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When we finally arrived at the Sidemen house, I managed to find a parking spot right outside the front door

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When we finally arrived at the Sidemen house, I managed to find a parking spot right outside the front door. I couldn't wipe the grin off my face as we walked up the steps next to each other, like we had done many times before.

'Can I get you something to drink?' He offered politely as we made our way into the kitchen. I was't sure if any of the other boys were home, considering it was so quiet. I could't hear anyone speaking – our shouting, for that matter – at their screens in their rooms, which was a first.

'Just a water would be nice.'

I sat down at the kitchen island as he took two glasses out of the cupboard. 'So, how are you?' He asked. The classic.

'How are you?' He whispered in the dark, his body cuddled close to mine for warmth and comfort.

I giggled. 'Why do you keep asking how I am? I don't change much in the time frame of two minutes. You look exhausted, so that's probably why.' I whispered back, seeing the bags underneath the blue eyes he was trying so hard to keep open.

He shook his head lightly, his soft, blonde hair tickling my forehead. 'I guess it's just another way to say I love you.' He croaked and nuzzled his face into my neck, wrapping his arms tighter around my waist.

'I'm pretty good,' I said. 'What about you?'

Simon nodded. 'Today has been a lot better than the past few days. Tell me, and be honest; did you like the pictures I took?'

I felt my heart instantly beat faster at the mention of the project he made for me. 'Honestly, I think they're better than some of the pieces I've handed in for projects.' I said. He walked over with two glasses of water, and I stood up to take mine from him.

'Really?' His eyes were bright and full of hope, his eyebrows raised.

'Yeah, I guess you could say I'm pretty impressed.' I laughed, leaning against the kitchen counter and taking a sip from my drink.

He kept his gaze on mine as we both drank in silence. He then put his glass down on the counter behind me and took one more step foreword, placing one big hand on my waist.

'May I kiss you?' He whispered loud enough for me to hear and his face was slowly inching towards mine.

I smiled lightly. 'You don't even have to ask.' I said. Before I knew it, his soft, pink lips were pressed against mine in a delicate kiss. He had wrapped his arms further around my waist, pressing our bodies closer together. I placed my hand on his chest, feeling completely warm and fuzzy on the inside. I slowly wrapped my arms around his neck, smiling into the kiss before we both pulled away.

He rest his forehead upon mine so I was able to feel his blonde strands brushing against my skin every now and then. His nose brushed against mine as he smiled down at me, his blue eyes a cloudless sky blue and his smile brighter than sun on January snow.

'Next time, don't ask, because it's a little bit cringe.' I murmured, and he instantly gave me a worried look, his brows furrowing together and his beaming smile slowly sinking back into his skin.

'Oh, okay.' He said, giving me a worried look.

I giggled and then decided to give him a taste of his own medicine. 'May I kiss you?' I asked in the same tone he had.

'Okay, I see why you cringed.' He chuckled along. I leaned up on my toes, cupping his cheeks with both my hands and leaned in once more, connecting our lips in a more passionate kiss. I could feel him smile into the kiss and so did I, trying to memorise the feel of his stubble upon his soft skin so I'd never have to miss it again.


Going to do another one of those QnA chapters before the end of the book, so if you have some questions for any of the characters, feel free to leave them in the comments :) You can leave questions for:

- Lu

- Simon

- Will

- Gee

- Harry

- Ed

- Freya

- Sarah

- Josh

Mel xx

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