Chapter 1

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I was walking around in town with one of my best friends from uni. Her name was Sarah. She's literally the most perfect and beautiful girl in the world; she's kind, she's really funny, she's supportive, she can sing... The only thing is that she's dating one of Simon's friends. I mean, I have no problem with her boyfriend, instead, it's the fact that I can't seem to get away from my ex.

He cheated on me and that's just not right. I can't be in a relationship with someone who can't keep his hands off another girl and doesn't have enough self control to say that he has a girlfriend. Or now that he had a girlfriend.

I tried not to think about it too much, and Saz knew that. That's partially why we decided to go into town today, but also because we've had too much of school and really just needed an escape.

It was November, and there was a thin layer of snow covering the cobbly London grounds. It was cold, but not the kind of cold that would freeze your hands off. The two of us walked into a small café with our hands stuffed in our pockets, our cheeks a rose colour and soft smiles on our lips because of the inside jokes we had made on our way here.

I had of course ordered a Nutella pancake, as usual, and Sarah went for a more healthy, filling option.

'I don't understand how you like ham and cheese in your pancake. That's just rank.' I told her, stifling a giggle.

'It's delicious! Want to try some?' She asked with a warm smile.

'No, I'm good, thanks.' I told her as more Nutella dripped from my knife and fork. After we finished and shared the cost, we headed back outside. 'I don't remember it being this cold.' I complained as I attempted burying my face in my jacket more.

'It's November, it's supposed to be cold.' She said matter-of-factly and I rolled my eyes at her dramatically, making us both laugh.

We found ourselves walking towards a little maroon stand, where a man was selling them warm. 'That smells so nice,' Sarah said, taking an over-exaggerated sniff of the air.

'Yeah, but they're disgusting.' I told her, but we kept on walking over. We had a nice chat to the man who was selling them. He had a long, grey beard and a fantastic sense of humour. I could feel the tears sting my eyes as it mixed with my mascara from laughing so much. We ended up buying two bags each, just because the man was so nice. 'So now what?' I asked her as we walked away.

'We use them as hand warmers,' She said simply, stuffing each of her bags into her pockets along with her hands.

I shrugged. 'Fair enough.' And we both leaned in, stumbling as we started laughing again. When we recovered, a comforting silence fell upon us as the leaves on the trees rustled in the wind. I looked over my shoulder, waving the old man goodbye again, when a certain pair of blue eyes met mine, making me freeze in my tracks.

'Lu? What's–' Sarah asked, stopping to look at me with a confused expression. From the corner of my eye, I could see her looking to where I was looking. 'Oh,' She sighed, understanding why I froze. 'Come on, let's just get home.' She said and lightly tugged at my arm.

But it was too late. He was already making his way over.

'Lu, let's go,' Sarah tugged more forcefully this time, almost desperate to run away from him.

'Hi,' Simon breathed when he made his way over. I could see his warm breath evaporating in the cold wind as he spoke. I bit down on the inside of my cheek, not sure of what to say.

'Hi,' Sarah chirped, definitely not sounding like she was just desperately trying to get me to run away from him.

'Hi,' I whispered, my voice weak. His gorgeous, ocean blue gaze that I was once obsessed with looked me up and down, then met my eyes again.

'How are you?' He asked, a small smile showing on his lips. Then his dimples showed in his cheeks, and I could feel my heart beginning to pound a little faster within my chest. This was all too familiar.

I told myself to just take a deep breath and suck it in. After all, he was just somebody that I used to know who wanted to say hi for a short minute. 'I'm good, what about you?' My voice sounded a little happier than I wanted it to.

'That's good to hear, and yeah, me too.' He giggled his famous giggle. The giggle that made all his fans weak at the knees. He ran his hand through his hair which the wind had ruffled up. His golden ring on his pinky finger shone in the cold winter daylight.

'Hey, I don't mean to rush things, Simon, but we were just about to leave. We have some important uni stuff to finish.' Sarah told him and shifted her weight from foot to foot.

'Oh, alright then.' Simon seemed shy all of a sudden, and looked down at his feet, too. Were his cheeks flushing a pink red like they always did when I told him I loved him? Then his eyes flickered back up at me, then to Sarah. 'I, um, could I just have a moment with Lucifer, please? I promise it won't take long.' He asked ruefully. I felt the blood in my veins tingle when he called me by my full name, which isn't something he did often.

Sarah looked down at me with a questioning expression, and I simply nodded once, and then took a step towards Simon. I followed him to a nearby tree that was out of Sarah's earshot, which left her to awkwardly scroll through her phone as she stood alone in the street, pretending not to notice what was going on.

'Listen, Lu, I'm sorr–' He began.

'Don't apologise.' I told him sternly, avoiding his eye-contact.

'I know what I did was really stupid and dumb and I shouldn't have done it and just, I'm so sorry I can't even tell you. I'm really, seriously sorry. I wouldn't know how to make it up to you because the mistake was too big and I know that things will never be the same again.' He told me.

'So what do you want to do?' I asked, raising an eyebrow up at him.

'I just want to be on good terms with you and be friends again.' He said. He was very obviously fiddling with something inside his pocket.

'Okay.' I said simply, and watched a smile spread across his face.

'Really?' He asked.

'If that's what you want,' I told him. After all, it had almost been half a year since we broke up. Or more like, since I left.

'May I hug you?' He asked in the quietest, most delicate voice. I couldn't help but look up into his beautiful eyes, which were now sparkling with hope. 

'I better go,' I said awkwardly, looking back at Sarah who hadn't looked up from her phone once.

'Oh, alright. I guess I'll see you around?' He said, making it sound like a question. The hope in his eyes was replaced with disappointment. I nodded at him and flashed him a small smile before walking back towards Sarah. I saw him wave at me as I walked off.

'What was that all about?' She asked me, finally looking up from her phone when I approached her. I shrugged.

'I'll tell you when we get home.' I said, not really feeling like explaining it all to her now. Our attention moved back to Simon, where he was walking off. He was shaking his head, and looking down at something small and shiny in his hands. He held it as if it was the most delicate thing in the world.

It took us a while to realise that he was holding a gorgeous, silver ring.


So what do you guys think of the story so far? I think it's going to be really good :)

- Melanie

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