Chapter 28

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I was as nervous as ever to be going to the Sidemen house for Christmas tonight. But after what Will had pointed out to me, I felt like this was a good opportunity to talk to him. Who knows when I'd be seeing him next. 

I fell asleep last night realising how stupid I must look to everybody. I felt ridiculous knowing that I just assumed Simon had cheated on me, when there was really no true evidence of it. I felt so ashamed and embarrassed, guilty, even. 

Will had offered to come over and give me a pep talk whilst I got ready for tonight, but I told him I'd survive on my own. Freya and Sarah didn't know he had come over, but I couldn't think of any solid reason why I would. But I felt comfortable knowing that if anything were to happen tonight, I'd be able to call Will about it. I really wished he knew the boys though, because imaging that he'd be at the party too was a reassuring thought. He was slowly becoming a very close and important friend.

'Let's go, let's go, let's go!' Sarah cheered, skipping down the hallway of our flat. I was in my own small bathroom, leaning over the edge of the sink, still doing my makeup.

Sarah had some sort of bells hanging from her because they jingled as she skipped. It really made us all feel Christmassy, especially with the winter music playing gently on our stereo in the background. I stepped back to look at myself in the mirror, and after I decided I looked somewhat decent, I took my purse and headed out out into the living room. 

Sarah wolf whistled when Freya and I both walked out of our rooms at the same time. We both strutted down the hallway in our loud heels dramatically, as if we were striding down a runway. 'Well shit, you look hot.' Sarah complimented, making all of us giggle. 

Before we knew it, we were in my car with Freya driving this time because I was too scared to drive in heels. It was already dark since it was past 9 in the evening, we were all extremely hungry and little flakes of snow were dropping to the ground, taking all the time in the world. 

'Are we getting drunk?' Freya asked to break the silence. She and Sarah were making small talk together at first, with me sitting in complete silence in the back, but silence fell upon all of us eventually. 

'No, but I bet your ass JJ will.' Sarah told her. 

'Even on Christmas?' I challenged. 

'Even on Christmas.' She confirmed. 

And without a way to go around it, silence fell upon all of us again. We were all feeling giddy; the excitement of getting to open presents tonight was evident. 

Yes, we all opened our presents tonight. Normally we would all stay over at their house for one big sleepover, but this time some of the Sidemen friends were coming so the place would be extra packed, and there was the issue of me and Simon. I knew not everyone was sure how to treat us; they weren't sure if they could mention Simon in front of me, if Simon and I were still friends, or if I hated him with all my guts. 

To be honest, I didn't know either. I told myself it was the fact that we broke up so recently that I couldn't get him out of my mind, but the other half of me told me otherwise. Thinking about him right now, I felt more guilty and awkward than anything.

When we parked outside their house, the front door was left open. I could see red and green lights sparkling inside, and a couple people walking around wearing red and green sweaters, holding red party cups in their hands. 

The three of us stepped out in unison. 

'Hey, there she is!' Josh immediately appeared in the frame of the front door, looking Freya up and down. He walked down to her and wrapped his arms around her waist, leaning in quickly for a peck on the lips. 'You look gorgeous,' I was close enough to hear him whisper to her. 

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