Chapter 38

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Freya had gathered everyone in the small space of our shared flat with Sarah. And by everyone, I mean literally everyone. All of the boys, Freezy, Mark, Chris, all the girlfriends; the list could go on. Nobody knew why. All we knew is that sitting on top of each other on our two small couches was very, very uncomfortable.

Conversations filled the room. It was mostly people catching up with others they hadn't seen in a while, especially with Chris since he flew over just for this 'gathering'. Others were simply asking what they thought was going on, but no one knew the answer.

I returned to Simons spot on the couch with two glasses of water for the both of us. It was extremely hot in here, so I gulped most of mine down when I got to him. Then, seeing as there was no other space, I sat down on his lap and he wrapped his arms around me instinctively.

'Are you nervous?' He asked me, pressing a small kiss in the crook of my neck and then resting his chin there.

I turned to look at him in confusion. 'Why would I be nervous?' I asked. Did he know something I didn't? Surely not; Freya is my best friend. She'd tell me anything before telling the boys. Right?

Simon shrugged in response. 'I don't know. It just seems very serious, seeing as she invited everyone. So that makes me kind of nervous.'

'I'm sure it'll be fine,' I tried reassuring him, although what he said had me feeling on edge, too.

Simon looked up at me with his big blue eyes, and I knew he really wanted to believe me. But both of us felt something was off.

As if on cue, Freya emerged from the hallway and into the living room and kitchen area. She looked like she was glowing: happy, healthy, and almost radiating positivity. Seeing her made me feel more at ease. Simon turned around to look at her too, and I ran my fingers through the hair at the back of his head to help calm him.

Her brown gaze caught mine eventually, and she made her way over to us. Perched on the end of our couch, everyone turned to look at her and all the noise quietened down.

She took a sip of her own glass of water and then placed it back down on the coffee table in front of her. She made something so normal seem so much more dramatic, and it felt like my heart was in my throat. I almost felt sick.

'So, you're probably all wondering why I've asked you to come here.' She started and I smiled as I watched her cheeks flush a deep red, intimidated by the numerous pairs of eyes that were burning into her skin. She glanced at me and I nodded at her quickly, encouraging her.

The look in her eyes gave it all away. After living with her for nearly a year, I could recognise anything about her without her having to say it. Whatever big announcement she was about to make, she was terrified of it. Or maybe our reaction to it. Or both.

Josh must've noticed the fear in her eyes too, as he made his way across the room to her side and wrapped and arm around her waist protectively.

'It's a pretty big surprise,' He said. Wait, Josh already knows? I felt Simon's grip around my waist tighten.

'And I don't mean to scare you with it. It's just big. It's a big change. But we've accepted it and we hope you can too, seeing as you're all very important to us.' Freya continued. She took one last terrified look around the room, properly scanning everyone's faces for some hint of encouragement. But everyone stayed quiet, impatiently waiting for the news.

Taking a deep breath in, she closed her eyes and said it. It was as if the worlds rolled off her tongue in slow motion. My heart felt like it wanted to be thrown up, and I could feel my pulse in almost every part of my body. I could feel Simon's heart race in his chest that was lightly pressed against my back. It was a whole roller coaster of emotions: fear, relief, happiness, jealousy.

'I'm pregnant. Josh and I are having a baby.'



Mel xx

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