Chapter 2

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Today was my birthday, which I was celebrating at Callux's flat because Sarah is my best friend. That basically meant that Harry and CalFreezy were automatically invited, because they were Callux's flatmates. And because the three of them are good friends with the Sidemen, and Harry is a Sideman, it meant that Simon was coming too. Fucking fabulous.

I was afraid to know how it was going to turn out. I was scared of how he would treat me and how he would act. I was afraid he'd help himself to all the drinks in the house and get drunk, and then try things on me. 

But I was also afraid he wouldn't see me at all. 

I told myself I shouldn't be worried about that. Ever since Sarah and I talked to him at the park that one day, when he walked off with a ring in his hands, at felt like things were going to be okay between us. He would text me from time to time, as well as snapchat me. And to be fair, whenever I got a notification from him, it warmed my heart. It was like how we used to be: madly in love and inseparable.

I was getting ready with Sarah in her flat. I was already wearing a long, baby pink dress that we had picked out together. It was my 22nd, and she said that it was a special number, so I had to look extra amazing. She had also given me some dangly earrings that matched my outfit as an early birthday present. She helped me curl my hair and gave me a little pep talk.

'Don't worry about Simon, honestly. You guys have miraculously become good friends again, and I know he'd be too shy to mess anything up now. He's too thankful for the fact that things turned out to be okay between the two of you after the breakup. He's too happy that you're happy, and not extremely angry like you should be.' She told me as she curled another strand of my hair, letting it fall down below my shoulders.

'But still, just please stay around me, okay?' I asked, looking at her in the mirror. She looked back at me through it and our eyes locked. She gave me a warm smile and then nodded, reassuring me.

'I'll be with you, don't worry.' She smiled and took another strand of my hair between her fingers.

After a couple of hours, we both looked amazing. Her winged eyeliner was so perfect and so pointy, she could stab someone with it. My outfit showed off my softer features; features I didn't really know I had. Things like how curvy I actually was, and how nice this dress flowed over my hips, how a little bit of the fabric swayed behind me as I walked through her apartment, trying to find my stuff before we headed over to Callux's flat.

'Ready?' She asked and I nodded, already standing by her front door. 'Let's go then,' She said, opening the door and locking it behind us.


'Hey! Here she is!' Callux called as he opened his front door for us. Sarah and I gingerly stepped inside, only to see that there was dim lighting throughout their room, drinks set out on the table, balloons and other decorations hung up by the windows, and music blasting from the speaker.

Harry and Cal showed up behind Callux, and all three boys were wearing neat, button-down shirts. I couldn't help but smile at the effort they put in just to celebrate my birthday.

'Oh my gosh, guys, this is amazing.' I gasped as I walked further into their flat. Never in a million years had their flat been so tidy.

'Thanks, it took around 3 hours to get Cal to help us clean this place up.' Cal joked and followed me into their living room, with Sarah right behind us as well.

'Surprise!' Suddenly, a group of people jumped up from behind the kitchen counters, all of them also dressed in nice clothes. I jumped at the sudden loud noise, and covered my mouth with my hands when I saw all of my friends standing there, all smiles on their faces. My cheeks began to burn from smiling.

'Oh my god, guys,' I said, my heart beating fast. As soon as the words rolled off of my tongue, I saw Cal tapping away on his phone, and soon, one of his playlists was booming around the flat. He then walked over to me with a bright, toothy smile.

'Like it? I set up speakers all around the flat so the same song is playing from everywhere. Every speaker is connected. It took ages to set up.' He said, looking around with a proud posture. He ran a hand through his messy, blonde hair. 'Anyways, happy birthday.' He looked back down at me and then opened his arms to give me a hug, which I gladly accepted.

'Thanks, Cal.' I told him and giggled. I was feeling over the moon.

As the night went on, more bottles of alcohol were being popped open, including pink champagne, which everyone knew was my favourite. Then Sarah sat herself down at a keyboard she brought in earlier. She played one chord and cleared her throat, then brought the microphone closer to her lips.

'Um, hi everyone. I just wanted to sing something for my best friend, and I'm sure we all know the song because she loves it so much, so please sing along.' She smiled at everyone, who suddenly became very quiet. I was pushed to the very front of the forming crowd so Sarah could sing for me.

Her voice was amazing and I was so jealous. This acoustic version of my favourite song was perfect, and I wished I had a recording of it so I could listen to it whenever I wanted.

Everyone cheered and clapped when she finished with a gorgeous, effortless riff, and then Cal walked out of the kitchen slowly, carefully balancing a big white cake in his two hands. He walked over to the dining table and set it down softly, and then everyone gathered around it. Sarah began playing the chords for the 'Happy Birthday' song, which got everyone to sing along.

I stood next to Cal and waited for everyone to stop singing before I blew all the candles out in one go.

'She's good at blowing,' Said one of the boys' friends and I felt my cheeks immediately turning a dark red.

Cal handed me a big knife, which I held steady between both my hands, and then cut into the cake as people kept on cheering and clapping. I then let Cal do the rest of the cutting and serving as I was pulled away by everyone for a brief 'congratulations', although I was actually looking for Sarah because it panicked me to be without her. That, and I also wanted to compliment her about her singing and playing piano.

I stopped when someone tapped on my shoulder lightly, and spun around, only to see Simon standing in front of me.

'Hey, happy birthday.' He said and smiled warmly at me.

'Thanks,' I laughed and looked down at the floor awkwardly.

'Can we talk for a minute?' He asked, his blue eyes shining a little darker in the dim lighting.

Hesitating a little because I hadn't found Sarah yet, I nodded and then followed him away from everyone. 

Thank you for all the lovely comments on the last chapter! It's really nice getting to know you all and seeing all of you like the story so far :)

Mel xx

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