Chapter 12

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I shrugged. I don't know if I still like him. I don't know if I want to, or if I have to time or energy or motivation. And I know that I'm just going to get hurt again in the end.

No, in fact, I didn't want to like him. Why would I? I bet he's secretly still seeing that Samantha. What a player. I've always been told that you shouldn't get back together with someone who's cheated on you, and I've always told my friends that. I can't just not listen to my own advice and contradict myself. It's not like Simon is an exception.

'Okay, we'll give you time to think about it. Anyways, you really need to clean up that photography mess of yours.' Freya said, referring to all my cameras and lenses lying on the floor in a little cluster next to my bed.

'I know, I was thinking about going to Ikea and buying a little shelf thing so I can organise all my things and put everything on there.' I told her.

'Sounds like a plan,' Sarah chipped in.

As soon as all three of us had the time to go to Ikea after uni hours, we found the perfect shelf and it was small enough to fit in the back of my car. That saved me some costs, because I didn't need to get it delivered or anything, and it meant that I could start building it as soon as I got home.

When I finished, I set down each of my cameras and lenses carefully, along with some cases for when we trave. I gave the boxes of extra polaroid films a home, along with a permanent pen so I can easily scribble the date on them.

'This is so satisfying,' Frey said, walking into my room after I finished cleaning up the box it came in, and put away all the screwdrivers.

'What?' I asked, sighing, resting my hands on my waist proudly.

'It's just so... neat!' She laughed, and then I heard Sarah slipping down the hallway in her socks and poked her head through my door to see the finished shelf.

''Tis.' She stated, and then ran back to the couch. I could hear her launch herself off the ground, and then the creasing noise the couch made when she landed on it.

'You know what, I'm really happy with this.' I turned to look at Freya with a wide smile, which she gladly returned.

'Wait!' Sarah jumped off the couch and came running our way again, sliding through the door and finally coming to a stop next to me. 'We should do a photoshoot with your cameras. Like, just the three of us.'

About two hours later, after we all managed to make ourselves look presentable and finding the perfect spot in our flat to do a mini photoshoot, we gathered all the things we needed and finished tweaking our setup. We used my big camera, which was standing on a tripod, and Sarah's lights on either side of it. We figured the white wall in the living room had the most open space, so that's where we were.

'Me first!' Freya jumped in front of the camera and posed in front of the white wall after quickly fixing her hair and her shirt. She let her jaw hang open, creating the perfect pouty face that was trending on Instagram. I stood behind the camera and pressed the button to snap the pictures almost every time she moved. She really looked like a model.

'Sarah?' I asked once Freya ran out of poses and felt awkward, walking out of shot.

'I'm wearing Cal's merch because you know, you've got to represent your man!' She laughed, pulling on a black hoodie over her pink shirt. I snapped a couple of shots, happy with how all the pictures looked so far. Of course, just as I wanted to put my stuff away, they convinced me to let them take pictures of me as well.

I quickly uploaded all the pictures to my computer once we were finally done and sat down with the girls on the couch so we could look through all of them.

'Oh my gosh, I love this one.' Sarah pointed out one of Freya's pictures. 'You should totally post that on Instagram.' She told her and I nodded along.

'Okay, but can we just appreciate this one of Lu? Your eyes look amazing. The lighting makes it look like your eyes are literally twinkling. You're so pretty.' Freya pointed at one of me, which I had edited to be black and white.

'Nah, I don't.' I said, quickly scrolling down so we couldn't see the picture anymore. I didn't think it was that nice, in fact, I didn't think I looked good in any of them so there was no point in looking at them..

'Excuse me?' Sarah rested her hand on my arm, leaning back to look at me with raised eyebrows. She made me smile. 'Girl, if you don't post that, I'll do it for you.' She said.

'Hashtag Simon heart eyes,' Freya laughed and I sighed, not being able to wipe the smile off my face.

'You're posting it, comprendo?' Sarah asked.

'Fine,' I said, quickly saving the picture to my desktop which would make it easier to upload later. 'Hold on, I just saw something.' I said, returning to the photos and scrolling around a little until I saw the picture again.

It was a picture of Sarah looking down with her hood up, the hoodie completely unzipped and her hair falling loosely in front of her chest. Her skin looked flawless.

'Okay, hold up, please send that to me because I look hot.' Sarah said, leaning in to better look at herself, making Freya and I laugh.

Sure enough, later that night, Sarah uploaded it to her Instagram. She got a message from her boyfriend, asking if he could repost it to his merch page on Instagram, which she obviously said yes to. They even credited me for the picture in both of their captions. 


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I quite liked this chapter, it was a little different and really focused on the girls and photography, which I'm obsessed with. Maybe a little more Simon action in the next update?

I also feel like I didn't clarify this enough but I really don't support cheating in any way, and especially not getting back together with someone who cheated on you. If you're in that sort of situation, please make sure you've talked to your family and friends so you know what you're doing and also make sure you can 100% trust your partner. If you ever need an extra opinion or advice, I'd gladly help you.

This story came about because of a one shot request I received quite a while ago, and so many of you wanted a part 2 and 3, etc. It was not my own idea, and I continued it for you guys, so please don't think I support cheating or getting back with a cheater. I've seen a couple 'DON'T WRITE CHEATER FICS' floating around tumblr, so I just felt like I needed to clear this up. If you're really against cheating, then please stick around until the climax of the story (also if you're so against cheating then why are you reading this lol). I don't want to spoil what happens, but I promise you won't regret it. 

Besides all that, today I found out I'm getting my mom's car because she's getting a new one. My first car! I'm really excited :)) Also can we just appreciate how gorgeous Simon looks in this new book cover?????

Have a nice,

Mel xx

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