Chapter 13

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'Lu! Lu, wake up!' I faintly heard Freya and Sarah yell my name, but I couldn't bring myself to open my eyes just yet. I could see the sun shining through my eyelids though, telling me it was already morning.

'Lu! Lucifer!' They shouted again, bursting through my door and launching themselves onto my bed. I sat up wide eyed, scared something had happened.

'What?' I asked them, my heart beating out of control within my chest.

'Look!' Sarah pulled out a floppy, multicoloured magazine. The front cover of it had little cut out faces of many celebrities, so I wondered what was so interesting about it that I urgently needed to know.

I rubbed my eyes to get rid of the sleep and the blurry vision that came with it. I watched as Sarah flipped through the pages quickly, Freya also staring intently at what she was doing. Then she stopped, her hand landing flat on a page, and then pointed at a big picture in the top corner. I froze when I recognised it. It was my picture of Sarah, the one Callux had reposted to his clothing line's Instagram. It was in a magazine, accompanied with a short text about Cal's new merch.

The caption read: Sarah Close, girlfriend of Callux, taken by Lucifer Williams.

I can't believe we all got featured in a magazine.

'When was this printed?' I asked, completely shocked.

'This morning I guess? I don't know how, but it got in our mail pretty fast.' Freya answered. I let my jaw drop open, taking the magazine into my hands and scanning everything. The entire page was mainly about Cal's success on YouTube and his success with his new clothing line, but it still felt pretty amazing for one of your best friends to be featured in it, and one of your original photographs.

'We need to celebrate.' Sarah said, getting up and jumping on my bed. Freya stood up and joined her, making me bounce around uncomfortably.

'Stop!' I giggled, so the both of them let their bodies drop on me, making me shout out in pain.

'Let's go to Starbucks for breakfast, and we're meeting the boys there.' Sarah said, letting her body slide off the end of my bed like the boys slide off their couch in their videos.

We all got dressed in casual, everyday clothing and then headed out. I decided against taking my camera with me this time. Freya was driving us to the nearby Starbucks which was her way of treating us since she never usually drove.

'I'll let you sit in the passenger seat and I'll drive, as my 'congratulations' gift to you.' She offered.

The car was quiet, as I was scrolling through my feed on my phone and I guessed Sarah was doing the same thing in the seat behind me. The radio was playing softly, but none of us were paying attention to it.

My phone vibrated in my hand when I got a text. I tapped on the notification that showed up on my screen, opening the message I got from Simon.

Simon: congrats on your pic in the magazine ;)

Of course he had heard about it, I'm sure Callux would have already told him. Maybe Callux already knew he was going to be in a teen magazine? I quickly sent Simon a thank you text back because I figured it was a polite thing to do, and then paid attention to the city zooming past us.

My veins tingled in my fingers as I texted him, and I could only think about how wrong this was.

'You know guys, I'm really proud of us. Like, I'm so proud I'm almost on the verge of tears.' Sarah said from the backseat.

'I'm proud, too.' Freya said with a soft smile, holding both her hands on the steering wheel with a tight grip. Her knuckles turned white.

'Lu, imagine what everyone will be saying to us when we go back to uni on Monday. I don't think anyone else has been featured in a teen magazine before whilst they're in uni.' Sarah said and I chuckled. 'And you know what I really want to do one day? Maybe during this winter holiday, we should all go somewhere. A little trip, the three of us.' She suggested.

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