Chapter 39

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The violent sounds of Freya gagging in the flat's main bathroom woke me up. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and glanced at my watch to see it was only 7am, and it was a Saturday. The cold winter sunlight shone through the curtains that were still drawn. The air in the room was crisp, telling me the window had stayed open the whole night. I curled my toes and snuggled further under the duvet in attempt to stay warm.

I stretched my legs, expecting to feel Simon's hairy ones on the other side of the bed. Instead, I was greeted with the frozen wrinkled bedsheets of someone who has been long out of bed. I groaned, missing the feel of his sleepy breath on my neck or the cold of his family ring lightly pressed against my stomach. Disappointment sunk in when I realised he must be with Freya. I felt bad for them. Neither of them would usually be up at this time, especially on a Saturday.

I eventually managed to pull myself out of bed, straightening out my oversized top so that it covered me from my shoulders down to my knees. I threw my hair up in a messy bun, only for it to slowly fall back around my shoulders. As I wondered down the hall, Freya's vomiting got louder. Simon's soft voice was heard every once in a while, and I could hear him trying to calm Freya down. The first thought that crossed my mind was 'where is Josh? Surely he should be here helping his pregnant girlfriend rather than my boyfriend.'

Me: where are you?? freya could use some help right now

I regretted sending it straight away. It was 7am, for God's sake. Josh would only have slept an hour if he went to bed at his usual time last night. But for all I know, he could still be awake, editing some sort of video. Then I reminded myself he was at the boys' flat a couple floors above us, so of course he wouldn't be working.

I hesitated in the hallway just outside the closed door of the bathroom, wondering if I should go in to help my best friend. But that would mean I'd risk gagging, too, and I wasn't exactly in the mood for that.

As if on cue, Simon emerged out of the bathroom. Just before he closed the door behind him, I could see Freya getting up off her knees and splashing her face with water from the sink.

'Is she alright?' I asked, although I already knew the answer.

Simon smiled down at me and ran his fingers through his messy bed hair. He was just wearing his boxers and a SDMN shirt he was wearing yesterday. I loved when he looked like this: awake but not completely, baby blue eyes still sleepy, and his dimples just starting to show. I smiled back at the thought of him leaving a couple of his clothes here now that the the girls and I have finally finished moving in. He took a step towards me and fiddled with the Cartier bracelet that glowed in the winter light from around my wrist, reminding himself of everything that's happened in this New Year so far.

'Yeah, just a bad case of morning sickness.' He replied, then headed in the direction of the kitchen to grab himself a bowl of cereal.

'Shouldn't Josh be helping her?' I asked him, but he didn't reply. Oh, so we're playing this game. 'Is Sarah still asleep?' I questioned him again, but the uncomfortable feeling of guilt settled down in my veins as soon as the words slipped off my tongue. I was asking all the questions I already knew the answer to and he knew it. That, and I should know my flatmates better than him.

With a sigh, I spun around on my heel when he didn't give me an answer again. I got dressed in my own bathroom quickly, then walked towards the front door. Simon was sitting at the kitchen island, enjoying a bowl of cereal in complete silence. He didn't even have his earphones in, but I guessed that was because he was listening for any sign that Freya was unwell again.

'I'm going up to Harry and the Cals,' I said when I paused in front of the door. Simon raised his eyebrows up at me whilst I spoke, letting milk drip from his spoon into his bowl. It wasn't often I'd leave the house without having breakfast first. I didn't have a smear of makeup on yet, either. He simply nodded and then I walked out.

I hated when he was like this. Or more like when I made him like this. It was far too obvious to him that Freya being pregnant was bothering me, and I hated myself for it. Why was I acting so sour? I should be celebrating! I should be over the moon! Two of my closest friends are bringing a new life to the world! But I just can't bring myself to feel that way.


uh oh :/ is this baby what will cause limon problems again?

Mel xx

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