Chapter 49

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My phone vibrated on my nightstand, waking me up.

Vik: Ella keeps asking me to ask you if you're alright? Also to give you her phone number...

Vik has shared one new contact with you.

Vik: she said you should text her...

Vik: are you alright tho?? what happened?? and how does she know you??

Simon shuffled beneath the sheets behind me. I cried myself to sleep last night in his arms after kicking Will and Gee out of the house, telling them we'd discuss the flat some other time because I clearly wasn't ready. He groaned and one of his hands quickly found my waist, rubbing his thumb over my bare skin lightly.

'What time is it?' He asked in his morning voice. 'And who's texting you?'

'It's Vik, and it's 9:30.' I told him, quickly typing a reply to Vik.

Me: Okay thanks. I think I'm okay. Ella and I bumped into each other at Tesco's yesterday

Me: rhyme hahaha

Simon shifted his hand to over my stomach as he propped himself up on his elbow to look over my shoulder at me phone. I quickly turned my screen off so he wouldn't find out about Ella: I'm way too thankful for Vik trusting me and telling me about her, and I wasn't just about to break my promise.

'What's happening with you and Vik, and why are you being so secretive?' He asked in a slightly more worried tone. My phone buzzed once more which lit up my screen.

Vik: lols

I read his text and placed my phone back on my nightstand, then rolled around so I could look up at Simon who was slightly hovering above me as he was still propped up on his elbow. His bleached blonde hair was only still bleached on the end as his roots finally came through: a look on him I quite liked. It wasn't styled anymore after his deep sleep, and his blue eyes were still small and tired. A couple of red blemishes were painted at random on his face–which made him look all the more raw and didn't take away from his handsomeness–and their colour matched his deep red lips perfectly. I closed my eyes momentarily as he let his long fingers run through my messy hair that was sprawled across my pillow. Or should I say our pillow.

His dark blonde bushy eyebrows suddenly lifted from the light frown they were previously in as he reminded himself of what had happened yesterday.

'I don't know, Vik and I just haven't talked much recently so we thought we'd get into the habit of doing so again.' I told him, which wasn't necessarily a lie, but it wasn't the complete truth either.

Simon nuzzled his face into the pillow and my hair, his nose gently brushing my ear and his arm draping over me. 'Sleep well?' He mumbled and his raspy voice was muffled by the pillow.

 'Sleep well?' He mumbled and his raspy voice was muffled by the pillow

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'Mhm,' I answered, playing with his hair.



'I want a kiss,' He said and I smiled and leaned up to place a kiss on his temple near his hairline, earning a giggle. 'That tickles,' He giggled, making me laugh. He then went to press a couple on my skin, leading up my jaw and towards my lips.

'About the flat,' I took in a deep breath, finally pushing myself to address the situation. What I said caught his attention, so he lifted his head up to look down at me. 'I don't think we should give it to them. We should keep it: it could become a place where you film videos, or where I can frame and hang up my photos, or we can give it to Freya and Josh when the baby arrives.' I told him.

Simon nodded. 'Freya and Josh? Screw that! It's our flat and I'm not about to make our best friends pay us for it.' Then he raised his eyebrows, and the excitement in his eyes was clear as day. 'I could film my videos there, but what about you? You could film videos with me, like actually be in them... or you could make your own channel!' He suggested, getting louder and louder the more enthusiastic he got.


Twitter: overworkdwriter

So, what do you guys think? Should she create her own channel? Should they move back in? Should it just become an office? Let me know!

Sorry for the short little filler chapter, hope yous are all doing well

Sorry for the short little filler chapter, hope yous are all doing well

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Mel xx

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