Chapter 51

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I brushed my fingertips along the red brick wall, counting each of the holes I drilled into it and reminding myself which of my pictures went where. Then, towards the end is a row of leftover blue tack that pieces from top to bottom of the wall, and I could almost see the Polaroid photos stuck to the wall in front of me. Then when I turned right, I was faced with the white door of Simon and I's room.

I took a step inside to see that our old wardrobe was still there, and so was our bed. To think we were going to give all this to Will and Gee! An old speaker of ours stood on its own in a corner of the room. Even though it was still plugged into the wall and a glowing light radiates from it to tell us it was still on, all it did nowadays was collect dust. I smiled as I remembered how bothered Simon would be if he tried going to sleep with the speaker still plugged in as the multicoloured lights it showed off lit up the otherwise dark room. 'I can't sleep in a disco room!' He'd always complain.

The hiss of boiling water from the kitchen caught my attention so I walked down the hallway quickly to see what was going on. I was greeted with the sight of my boyfriend standing by the stove with a pan of boiling water in hand, and a pack of pasta standing next to him on the counter.

'We still had pots and pans here?' I asked.

'Yeah! I'm making us lunch.'

'I thought you took all the kitchen stuff with you to the Sidemen House.' I said, confused. Simon shook his head.

'I left them here. They were a little dusty but I cleaned them all, don't worry.' He explained. I looked around the kitchen and living room once more, not feeling used to how empty it all looked. 'So, what do you think of our new office, then?' He asked as he poured the pasta into the pot.

'I think it's much too empty to be considered an office right now.'

I glanced at him in time to see him roll his eyes. 'No shit, we don't even have furniture yet.' Suddenly there was a knock at the door, and I raised my eyebrow at it. Who could that be? 'Open it please, I'm cooking.' Simon said, stealing the excuse I used to often use.

I took a couple steps to the front door and glanced through the peephole first. My stomach dropped, but I forced myself to open the front door for them anyway.

'Hey!' Freya shouted excitedly when she saw me behind the door, and opened her arms wide to bring me into a hug. I felt the blood run cold in my veins as I felt her baby bump press against my stomach. Definitely wasn't used to that.

'Hi! How are you?' I smiled, and then walked over to Josh who was standing behind Frey to envelop him into a hug as well. He was holding a bottle of champagne.

'We're good! We thought we'd come over seeing as you're going to make use of this place again.' Freya said, stepping inside and admiring the place. 'Aw, I remember having sleepovers with Lu here when Simon was out of the country.' She giggled to herself as she wondered down the hall to our bedroom. 'The bed! The bed's still here!' She shouted enthusiastically.

'Please excuse my crazy pregnant girlfriend,' Josh said in his deep voice and laughed.

'Do you guys want lunch? I'm making pasta.' Simon shouted over the loud noise of water bubbling.

'Sure!' Josh shouted back. I watched as he walked over to Simon and hugged him. Did they not see each other this morning...?

'So? How is it, becoming an actual dad and all?' Simon asked, leaning against the counter with his arms crossed.

Josh giggled. 'You jealous, mate?'

Simon tilted his head to the side and licked his bottom lip in a smile. 'Well...' he trailed off.

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