Fragile Love

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I have officially started a new story lol Please tell me what you think :)

Video consists of the characers. >>


Brody’s POV

I sighed, sat on the edge of my bed and clicked my alarm of; I looked around my room. My walls were bare and boring except for a board full of pictures Breanne put on them. I cringed.  My dark wood floors were bare as well; no clothes littered them; my dresser and desk were much the same. I sat up slowly and stretched making my arms, neck and back crack; I sighed again. Another day of living hell…Great. I slumped over to the mirror above my dresser, looking at myself. I feel dead. Why did I put myself up to this? Why was it so god damn important to become popular? I hate it. I slid my hand down my face and grabbed some clothes heading into the shower. I let the warm water trail down my body washing the sleep away then I proceeded to do my hair, shaggy but styled, with the towel wrapped around my waist. I faked a smile in the mirror after I was dressed which slowly turned into a disgusted look. Why am I feeling sorry for myself? I have nothing wrong with me really. I scowled. Aside from the fact I live a complete lie.

“Brody!” I heard my sister whine from downstairs stretching the ‘y’. Right. I was supposed to take her to school today. I slipped on some grey jeans and buttoned up my plaid shirt as I walked down the stairs. She was standing in the foyer looking at her iphone with earbuds in her ears. She wore a baggy black veil brides tank top with a tighter plain pink one underneath, bright orange skinny jeans and black hightops with polka doted laces. She looked up and smiled like a child and took one earbud out. “Hi big bother.” She said with enthusiasm. Even though we were so different from each other we were much the same. She didn’t have a mean bone in her body and wanted to help everyone. That’s how I truly was, but I hid it to everyone but my sister cause I would be a wimp.

“Hey squirt.” I walked over to her and ruffled her red teased hair. She glared playfully and slapped my arm.

“Don’t touch the hair!” she pointed then walked out the door grabbing her written on dickies backpack. I rolled my eyes and picked up my plain one following her. It was nice spending time with Zoey; I could be myself and not have to hide. She always made me feel better but I knew lingering off in the distance was the mask I put on every day. I could never let that go. She was already sitting in my dodge when I walked out, I could hear loud music coming from inside. I climbed in about to turn the music down but she gave me a look to stop immediately. I recognized the song as Hand of Blood by Bullet for My Valentine, a song I actually really like but would never let anyone else know that. At least I had an excuse for having it in my truck. “So are you ever going to meet my friends?” she asked turning down some other song and looking towards me. I shrugged. I doubt it’d do me any good to be seen with the ‘emos’. “Come on Brody.” She whined and tried to give me puppy dog eyes, her deep jade eyes watering.

“Maybe.” I rolled my eyes and looked away from her. I brushed my hand through my brown hair and sighed. “If I have time…” I continued not looking at her. I heard her huff and turn the music up, some weird screamo music blasted out of the speakers. I pulled up to the school and parked in my usual spot, Zoey jumped out and waved at me, I waved back and slipped on my imaginary mask.

“Hey baby!” I heard a familiar voice from behind me as I walked into the school. I turned around to see my girlfriend, Breanne, grinning at me. She wore dark skinnies and a bomber jacket with a white shirt underneath and black high heeled boots. “I missed you.” She wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me, I will admit I never really got turned on by her so I faked it. I faked liking the kiss slipping my tongue into her ever welcoming mouth.

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