Chapter 6 - The Beach

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-Yay got up to three on ch 5 ^^ my friend who isnt on wattpad voted xD shh it counts haha


Brody’s POV

I’m going to the Beach with Zoey and Briley…why did I accept the offer? I laughed to myself mentally. Because Briley asked. I couldn’t turn him down. I’ll just take all the precautions…I’ll make sure no one I know is here…if I see someone I’ll hide. If they find me I’ll say I had to take my sister out…yeah. It’ll be okay. I won’t get caught. I hope I can control myself in front of Briley though…

I parked in an empty spot and got out. It was packed but I didn’t see any familiar faces. It was too early for any of my friends to be out anyways…Briley got out having to jump making him stumble into me. I laughed and gave him a hug hoping no one saw me. “You two are too cute.” Zoey smiled walking around the truck. I felt Briley stiffen but I whispered in his ear.

“She knows…its okay.” I kissed his head and got an ‘awe’ from Zoey. I smiled at him then let go, he blushed again. Stop being so damn cute or I’m going to kiss you to death! I joked in my head. We headed towards a semi-secluded area of the beach and set up. I placed the towel on the ground and Zoey laid on it putting sun block on herself after taking off her shirt and jeans. I took off my shirt and put some on myself. Briley sat down quietly looking at the clouds. It makes me sad to know he’s self conscious. This world is horrible. He’s too good for it.

Briley’s POV

As I sat down on the towel Brody took off his shirt. Shit. He began to put sun block on himself. Shit shit shit. Does he know the impact he has on me? I looked away at the clouds. Think of sluts…

“Your turn.” Brody’s voice broke my trance and I looked up at him, he was kneeling in front of me. His chest so close I could touch it…wait. He had sun block in his hand. No way. I’m not taking off this sweater even if I was going to die of heat exhaustion. I shook my head and wrapped my arms around myself. “Just your face silly. Don’t want you to get burned.” He smiled which made me smile back. Maybe he did care…oh I hope it doesn’t ruin my makeup. He went down to his knees and moved my hair out of my face. Man I feel exposed. Yes. I was in my boxers in front of him but feel more exposed when my hairs out of my face. No need to say it. I’m weird. He put it on my nose and cheeks then shifted his eyes and kissed me quickly. Is he ashamed of me? Of course he is…then why stay with him? I sighed mentally. He sat cross legged in front of me smiling; I pulled my knees up and rested my head on my arms looking back.

“Hey guys!” I heard Emma’s voice from behind me. Brody stiffened and immediately stopped smiling. Is he going to hide? Probably…

“Hey.” Zoey got up, Emma and Dylan came into view. Brody was looking down like nothing happened. It hurt a bit but I was almost immune to things like this. I looked away from all of them and concentrated on a big rock a ways away.

Brody’s POV

Fuck. She’s here? I thought it was just going to be us three. Ugh. And why is Dylan here? He hates me, why’d he come if he knew I was here? Unless he didn’t… Great now I can’t do anything to Briley…he looked so adorable too…I looked up a bit and saw Briley looking away, he looked distant. I now know that I officially hate that look. He looked so depressed…I sighed silently and looked over to Emma and Dylan. I waved. “Hi guys.” I smiled. Dylan of course didn’t, he completely ignored me but Emma smiled and waved back.

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