Chapter 8 pt. 2 - Safe

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 Sorry its so short :S

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Brody’s POV

On the drive home I started to feel the pain, my sides felt like they were bruised and my lip was most definitely split. It felt amazing to hit Adam though so it was worth it. The prick needs to know his place in life. He’s scum.

Zoey and I walked into the house and she pulled me into the kitchen pointing to the counter. I looked at her weird; she mouthed ‘sit’ so I did. She left and came back with cotton balls and cleaner. Great.

“If Dylan and I didn’t see you in time you’d be much worse. What were you thinking getting into a fight with Adam alone?!” She shook her head putting cleaner on a cotton ball.

“I…OW!” she dabbed my lip and it stung like freaking hell.

“Oh shut up you big baby.”

“He was pissing me off, he beats up Briley and deserves a kick in the fucking face. No. More than that. Much more.” I growled which turned into a yelp as she dabbed my open wound again. “I really do need to talk to him though.” I calmed myself down; she threw the now red cotton ball in the garbage and readied another.

“Brody. Just wait. He’s fragile.” She said softly.

“Zoey, just give me his number…”

“Brody NO!” she raised her voice and slammed down the bottle. “Leave him alone for now! That’s what he wants, you should respect that.”

“He’s depressed! It’s hard for people in a depression to do something out of the ordinary, I need to push him.” I stressed my words trying to make it clear it’s what was right.

“Don’t you dare push him into doing things to pleasure yourself!” she screeched.

“WHAT?” I jumped off the counter. “Is that what you think this is about? Pleasuring myself?! Zoey I want to HELP him! I want to make him smile! I want to make him happy! I don’t give a flying fuck about myself!” I raised my voice enough I’m sure our neibours heard clearly what I said. Her face softened as she realized what I said. “I care for him more than myself; I’d do anything for him.” I added calmly.

“…really?” she asked almost to herself.

“Zo, Briley means the world to me. Something about him makes me want to help in any way.” I placed my hands on her small shoulders. And it’s true. I would stop a bullet for him, he doesn’t deserve any kind of pain. She looked up at me and smiled.

“I’m proud to have you as my brother.” She whispered and hugged me, I hugged her back smiling. I was glad to have her as my little sister too, I’m so happy she didn’t turn into a slut.

“Can I have his number now?” she giggled and pushed me playfully, my sides hurt but I didn’t make it known.

“Yeah yeah, just hold on a second jeeze.” She showed me the number on her phone and I put it into mine; for some reason just seeing his name in my contacts made my heart flutter. I have a link to him now; I’ll know he’s safe when I’m not with him, I’ll be able to talk to him whenever I want.

“Thanks.” I ruffled up her hair.

“Really?” I was about to walk away but she grabbed my arm. “I’m not done yet. Sit.” I groaned but she was firm so I did as I was told.

Briley’s POV

After school I walked to the park and sat on a secluded rock in amongst a forest type area. I didn’t want to go home but I didn’t know where else to go. I can’t go to Zoey’s because Brody will be there and I can’t see him. I’ll break if I see him. I need to stay away so we will both be safe. My phone buzzed and I contemplating on ignoring it but my curiosity got the better of me. It was a text from an unknown number.

n/a: Bri its Brody, could I please talk to you?

My heart skipped a beat. It was Brody. He went out of his way to get my number so he could talk to me. Wait. No I can’t talk to him. I have to ignore him…but then I’ll feel bad…I sighed and put his number in my phone.

Briley: Brody I can’t.

I couldn’t bring myself to tell him to leave me alone. It’d kill me to know I hurt his feelings.

Brody: Why? What’s stopping you? Are you mad? Did I do something wrong? I’m sorry if I did. I don’t want you to be mad at me.

I smiled uncontrollably put shook it off as quick as it came.

Briley: I’m not mad it’s just…I…can’t.

Because Adam scared me. I wanted to tell him but that would piss him off and he’d find Adam. I know he wouldn’t be able to hold his own, Adams just too damn strong.

Brody: Could you come over then? You don’t have to talk to me; I’ll even go into another room if you want.

Briley: Why?

Brody: Because I want to know you’re safe.

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