Chapter 3 - Inner Thoughts

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Brody’s POV

We all jumped out of my truck and headed for the door, Briley walked close to Zoey. Are they going out? A small flash of anger hit me. Why’d I do that? Maybe…it’s for the sake of my sister. Yeah. I don’t want her going out with someone. I unlocked the door and walked in, the followed me into the kitchen.

“You two want something to eat?” I asked them as they sat at the island. Briley kept his head down; I wish he wasn’t so shy towards me…

“Yeah, you guna make us something? Aw how sweet of you.” Zoey teased I rolled my eyes.

“If you want…” I looked in the fridge and saw some eggs. “I can make a shit load of scramble eggs…” I continued still looking in the fridge. Something hit me on the back of the head and Zoey started laughing hysterically; I looked down and saw an eraser on the ground.

“Make us a shit load of scramble eggs Brody.” She giggled as I threw the eraser back at her missing her entirely hitting the wall. “And hurry up would ya?” I rolled my eyes and grabbed the entire carton of eggs, a frying pan and a spatula. Placing every egg in the frying pan I turned around, Zoey was looking at her phone giggling and Briley was still looking down.

“You want some toast?” I asked them both. Briley looked up first making eye contact. My heart fluttered again. What the hell is wrong with me? I should go to the doctors…he looked down shyly and nodded. I smiled and popped some bread in the toaster.

After I handed Briley his plateful of eggs I actually got a somewhat clear ‘thank you’ his voice, though raspy, was sweet and made me smile. After that we all went to the living room watching Invader Zim. A kids cartoon but Zoey and Briley seemed interested. They sat against the couch on the floor while I sat on it kinda next to Briley. I looked down at him inconspicuously; his jet black hair was shaggy yet perfect. I wanted to play with his hair so bad, I’m really starting to scare myself…

Briley’s POV

As we sat watching Invader Zim I couldn’t help but realize how close Brody and I were. I felt nervous but at the same time calm, like I didn’t have to worry. Which was ridiculous. He was one of them.

“You can stay over if you want.” Zoey asked when the show was over. What? Stay over? As in sleep over? Why? What is she up to? “My parents won’t mind…It’ll be fun.” She grinned. She’s right, it’d be more fun than going home to ignoring parents and a razor blade…I nodded. If I could smile I would but I couldn’t so I forced one. I haven’t smiled in years since the…incident…happened. There's no use.

“I could drive you home to pick up some pajamas if you want.” Brody was closer than I thought his warm breath practically on my neck sending shivers down my spine. Damn boy stop. This is Brody. BRODY. Adams best friend. Don’t be a retard, retard. It felt so nice though…

“Umm…n-no I’m…okay.” I mumbled trying not to turn my head and look at him. “Thanks…” I mumbled again. I really didn’t want to go home…I never do. Zoey stood up along with Brody; he reached out a hand for me. Should I take it? What if I do? Would something happen? What could possibly happen? If I don't then he’ll think I’m weird. What am I saying? I am weird…Oh what the hell. I grabbed it and it shot tingles through my entire body, I would’ve whipped my hand away but I didn’t want to explain. He lifted me up with ease and I stumbled into him since I wasn’t use to being lifted. Damn damn damn. God he is so warm…I restrained myself from putting my arms around him and took a long step away. I saw something that almost looked like a frown wash over his face but I looked down not wanting to show that I was blushing. No…oh please no…I don’t want to be attracted to him…

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