Chapter 26 - Confusion

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Sorry if this sucks, when I was writing the last few paragraphs I wasn’t really…in my usual mind set. I may regret this but…oh well.


Briley’s POV

There he was, standing just a few feet away from me. Him, the reason I was so miserable, the reason I cut, and the reason I was holding back from Brody in the beginning. Skylar. He stood in front of me, smiling showing his perfect white teeth wearing a simple t-shirt and jeans that accentuated his thin but muscular body and perfect light tan. I gulped feeling cornered like a rat. I could almost feel myself getting smaller at his gaze.

“How’ve you been Bri?” I stiffened at my name, only Brody can call me that now; the way he said it made my nickname sound like shit. What should I do? Reply? Run away? I don’t know if I could trust my voice or my legs. What does he want from me? “What no ‘hi I missed you’ or ‘How’s it going?’ Nothing?” He smirked and took a step closer; I shook my head taking a step away. “Look.” He sighed. “I’m sorry for what I did to you. I was stupid, more than stupid…I just…I want your forgiveness.” My what? Forgiveness? After what you did to me?! After you played me for three years?! I shook my head again not being able to find my voice, though I was oozing with anger. He hurt me and all of a sudden now he wants me to forgive him just like that? “C’mon Bri don’t be like that. I said I was sorry…” He stepped closer again but I couldn’t move; I was pinned against the countertop. He made his way over to me so I could feel his body heat. “Won’t you forgive me?” He pouted but I could see the smile he was hiding. I’m no fool, not anymore.

I shook my head again forcing back tears, tears of pain, tears of anger, tears of not knowing what he was going to do. He smirked and closed the gap between us so his body was pressed against mine; I closed my eyes tight and felt him bend down to my face, his warm breath fanned on my face smelling like vanilla. The scent alone brought back memories making a tear fall down my face. “Don’t cry baby…” he cooed and it sent shivers down my spine, not the good kind; I was utterly scared. I don’t know what he’s going to do but I have an idea and I know I won’t be able to stop him. His lips brushed against mine and I flashed my eyes open wide. No! I can’t just melt like this! I’m not weak! I pushed him away harshly, making him stumble back.

“Stop it Skylar! I will never forgive you!” I yelled pointing a finger at him; he just smirked.

“I can make you change your mind, you know I can.”

“I have a boyfriend now Skylar; I’m not going to go crawling back to you. He actually LOVES me and cares for me. He’s not using me like a sex toy like you did.” I spat releasing all the anger built up inside. He looked at me shocked and before I could come crashing down again, I stormed past him back to Brody. When he saw me, confusion washed over his face but I didn’t want to explain; I need to get rid of Skylar from my mind and I know the only way I could do so. I straddled him and kissed him deeply; braiding my fingers in his hair pushing my tongue in before he could even kiss back. I don’t give a fuck if people see us; in fact, I’d rather if people did. Especially Skylar.

Brody’s POV

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