Chapter 24 - Hangovers and Hearings

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So I was faced with a life and death situation the other day D: I heard my dad freak out downstairs telling my mom to get a tissue so, being the worse arachnophobe in the world, I automatically assumed it was a spider. I ran downstairs (why? I don’t know, for all I knew Shelobe from lord of the rings could have crawled out of the fireplace to reap her vengeance on the world) and went to the kitchen to see my mom trying to find a tissue and my dad looking into the sink like it was on fire. Stupid me, I looked into the sink HOLYMOTHEROFGOD there was a HUUUGE wolf spider in there. No I seriously am not overeating, that fucker was HUGE.

I have not been the same since ._.


Briley’s POV

I moaned at the feeling of my brain practically cracking my skull at the pressure of it pulsing inside me. What the hell happened? Why do I feel so sick? Oh. Right. I slowly opened my tired eyes to see Brody asleep soundly beside me. This is all your fault. I placed my cold, sweaty hand against my hot forehead and moaned again.

“Sure, go ahead and sleep. Meanwhile you were the one who did this to me.” I mumbled to his sleeping body.

Everything hurts.

My eyes hurt.

My stomach hurts.

My head hurts.

Every single muscle hurts.

My lips even hurt. Why do they hurt? Ugh I’m such a wimp.

“You’re the one who wanted the hard stuff.” A sleepy sounding Brody mumbled and turned to me. Why doesn’t he look like he’s in pain?

“You forced me.” I pouted. “How come you don’t look like you’re in pain?”

“Because I wasn’t drunk.” He looked down from my eyes and frowned. “Do you remember what happened?”

“Yes. You forced me to drink.” I groaned and rubbed both of my eyes, trying to make the pain go away. It didn’t.

“You got into a brawl with a guy three times your size.” He deadpanned. Whaa? Pshh. You’re on drugs Brody, I would never do that. “That’s why you have a black eye and split lip.” He looked disappointed which hurt, I don’t know why but it did. He was disappointed in me. “I couldn’t help either.” He sighed and brushed his hand through his hair. Oh, so he’s not disappointed in me…he’s disappointed in himself.

“Brody don’t do that…I was an idiot for trying to fight some dude, I deserved it.” I laughed but stopped as the pain in my stomach seemed to worsen. Fuck. I threw the covers away and made a mad dash for the bathroom; I couldn’t even close the door completely before I came to the toilet. I threw up pretty much everything in my stomach and more; it burned and I teared up. Brody came in and held my hair back, I really didn’t want him to see me like this but I couldn’t speak as the disgusting fluid gushed out of me.

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