Chapter 10 - Perfect

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I can't believe how easy this story is coming out, I can't stop writing it O.o I'm already on chapter 10! Oh my god... Kay anyways enjoy! :3 And as always vote :D

Ps. Thank you all who have read this story so far, commented and voted! :) I would be nowhere without your support!


Brody’s POV

My heart sunk, no, broke when Briley told me about his father. I wanted to find him, I wanted to beat his ass until he realized what he did to this innocent boy; but I couldn’t, I know he didn’t want me to. What can I do? I can’t take him away from home, I’m too young. My parents might but then again would he even want to leave?

He looked at me, a perfect smile plastered on his beautiful face. My negative thoughts washed away then, like they always do when I look at him. He makes me happy and I make his pain go away. I’m so stupid for letting him deal with Adam for so long, I should’ve met Zoey’s friends earlier so I could help him; but I guess you can’t change the past.

“C’mon Bri let’s get back to my place…you can stay the night again.” I smiled and relief washed over his perfect features. I want to do anything to take him away from pain and suffering, of course, so he can stay over every night. I hope he does, I don’t even want to think of what it’s like for him at home…

“Zoey!” I called when we walked in the house. I held Briley’s hand all the way home; I wanted to let him know I cared and, I wanted to feel that amazing electricity that emanated from his touch.

“Zoey’s upstairs listening to music sweetie; you know what she listens to. She can’t hear you.” My mom called from the kitchen. Briley gave me an unsure look. Right, he hasn’t met my mom yet; well he most likely will be here a lot so I should introduce them. I tugged on his hand that was still intertwined with mine and walked into the kitchen.

“Mom, I want you to meet someone.” She was reading a book on the table with a coffee in her hand; she looked up from her book with a raised eyebrow. “This is Briley.” She placed her book and cup down smiling.

“Ah yes you’re the one Zoey talks about all the time, it’s nice to finally meet you.” She stood up from her chair and walked over to us. She was one of those moms who send off an aura of comfort, she pretty much loved everyone and everyone loved her back. Zoey and I got half of her personality in us, mostly Zoey. The rest was our Dad. He used to be the king of his school back in the day like me until my mom straightened him out. He still has a bit of an ego but he’s her perfect match.

“Nice to meet you too.” She answered shyly looking down a bit. My mom looked from Briley to our links hands and smirked.

“You guys go on upstairs, I’ll start making dinner.” She patted my arm and winked slightly before turning around and heading towards the fridge. Now, if she were someone else I’d freak but I knew she would never judge me so I shrugged it off. I pulled Briley upstairs to Zoey’s loud room; I’m surprised she hasn’t come to me yet with her ears bleeding. Not that the music’s bad, I actually like it but it’s just so damn loud.

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