Chapter 25 - Him

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*does victory dance* I’m at twenty five!! This is the most I have EVER written for one story! Including battered and bruised and its sequel a hideous attraction!

Also just realized the last chapter was ALL Briley!! Yay Briley! :3 ^^

I’m getting bored not having drama so…. >:)


Brody’s POV

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock going off; I groaned and blindly swung my arm over to my nightstand searching for the off button. After making my phone drop to the floor and almost knocking over my lamp I found it; I smiled at the silence and moved my arm back over Briley’s small, warm body. “Brody we have to get up, we have school.” Briley yawned and turned over to face me. I love waking up with him in my arms; these past three weeks have been amazing. I never want him to leave. What he said finally caught on and I groaned; I don’t want to go to school, I don’t want to see all those horrible people I used to call my friends. Plus, I’ve been away from school for like…almost two months and I’ve gotten accustomed to life without high school! “C’mon you big baby let’s go take a shower…together.” My eyes shot open at his words; he smirked and rolled off the bed in his boxers. I followed suit also in my boxers and grabbed his hand dragging him out of my room and to the bathroom. I love taking showers with him…mwahaha.

“Come on Brody! Jeeze you are so slow!” Zoey whined from downstairs; I rolled my eyes and grabbed my phone from the floor before walking out with Briley. He looked damn sexy today; instead of wearing his usual black hoodie, he wore a dark and light grey sweater that outlined his thin frame and small muscles with black jeans that had chains on them with his usual high tops. He was still dark but not like before, he also had a different air about him. He was confident and possibly a little vain; which is a good thing in his case. I pinched his ass when we got down the stairs and laughed when he jumped; Zoey rolled her eyes and opened the front door.

We headed to my truck and jumped in. We of course listened to loud music all the way there with my arm around Briley the entire time. Life is great now; I don’t have any anxiety about what people think, Adams gone, and best of all Briley’s happy. And since he’s happy, I’m happy because he really is my life, he’s the reason I’m here happy as a pig in shit. Once we got to the school we walked straight to Briley and Zoey’s lockers; we got some smiles and some stares from people as we walked by hand in hand but the haters can go fuck themselves. I have the love of my life next to me and I could care less.

“Hey lover boys.” I heard a familiar voice and turned my head to look; Elexis stood there smirking with her arms crossed. I don’t understand why or how she could come off as a bitch to people now, she’s a really nice person. Well now that I know her anyways, I wouldn’t have thought that a few months ago. “Brody you got yourself a sexy little boyfriend, better hold on to him tight.” She winked at Briley and walked over to Zoey. Briley gave me a cute smile looking up at me through his bangs; I bent down and kissed him earning a gasp from someone. I think I felt Briley snake his arm around me to give whoever it was the finger; for such an innocent looking kid he sure can be a little bugger. “Hey, we’re going to go out for lunch today. You two coming?” I heard Dylan ask so I broke our kiss and looked at him.

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