Chapter 17 pt. 1 - Dark Room, Cold Metal

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I am SOOO SORRY I took so long to write this >.< Ive been suuuper busy Dx

Anyways, I'm sorry if it sucks, I was kinda rusty in the beginning ... also I'm sorry its semi than other chapters...


Brody’s POV

I sat down on my bed after we got home, I feel horrible. Why do I have to be afraid? I’m so torn…I love Briley but I don’t want anyone to find out.

What is wrong with me?

I heard the front door close downstairs and walked out of my room to Zoey’s. God I hope that was my parents leaving, not Briley.

“Zoey who left?” I asked opening her door; she was standing in front of her mirror playing with her hair. Please don’t say Briley, please don’t say Briley…

“Briley.” Fuck.

“You let him go home alone?!” She dropped her comb and looked at me like I had a pole shoved in my head. I don’t really care if I sound like an insane person; if he goes home he’ll get beaten and it will be because of my stupidity.

“Dylan’s with him…”

“So?! Do you have any idea what he has to deal with at home?” I brushed both hands through my hair. Maybe if I leave now I can catch up with them… “Ugh, you know what never n=mind. God I’m such a fucking idiot.”

“I think you’re being over dramatic Br-“

“I’m not! I’m an idiot! I friggin told him I loved him last night, I took his virginity and then this morning I acted like a complete coward just because I’m afraid of what people will think.”

“That wasn’t his first time Brody…” I stopped pacing her room and looked at her.


Briley’s POV

I really didn’t want to go home but I have to, no matter how drunk my parents are they’ll figure out I’m not home. They’ll be pissed, why? I don’t know. It’s not like they care anyways…

“…Thanks for taking me home Dylan.” I mumbled still on the sidewalk outside my house. My run down one story house with the rotted out white siding; it looked so different from Brody’s two story, perfect home.

“No problem Briley.” He smiled. “Don’t worry about Brody, like I said he’ll figure it out.” I nodded and looked down sighing. He gave me a hug before leaving; now I would’ve been shocked or something if I wasn’t worrying about what horror this house has to offer tonight.

Guess the only way to find out is if I go inside…

“What was that?” I heard my mom say from the living room, she slurred so I knew she was drunk; my heart stopped when I heard someone get off that old creaky couch.




I wanted to bolt down the hall to my room, rather my closet because this tiny house only has one bedroom, but I couldn’t. I couldn’t move. My palms were sweating, my heart racing, breath quickened; that all too familiar queasiness in my stomach washing over me with a vengeance.

“Oh. It’s you.” My mother sneered; a beer can in one hand. Her hair was messy as usual; her makeup smeared and dress torn. My father must have just finished with her…I could have said something, like a normal person would. But I couldn’t find my voice. “Why did you bring your sorry ass home?” she asked holding on to the wall for support.

[A/N: This damn mascara’s getting in my eye! *rubs eye* I'm writing this with one eye open >.< also I’m writing this listening to a song called boner…LOL]

“…I…I’m…sorry.” I stuttered not knowing what to say. I hope she just lets me go; either that or she just gets her frustrations out on me quickly…

“You better be sorry you stupid little fag.” She threw the empty can at me, hitting my shoulder. Here it comes…”Where the fuck were you? Selling yourself out like the little whore you are?”

“I learn from the best.” I said confidently to her then widened my eyes. Why did I do that? What in gods name made me say that?!

“The fuck you just say you little bastard?” she pushed herself off the wall and came at me; I braced for impact. A loud smack was heard probably throughout the house, if not the neighborhood. My cheek swelled and burned from the impact of her hand on my face; an uncontrollable tear fell from my wet eyes. “You want to say that again?” she smiled swaying slightly before slapping the same cheek again. “Greg! Get the hell in here! Our little fuck ups running his mouth!” she called into the living room. Oh no. Please no! I started to cry cowering with my back against the wall. I saw his figure appear from the living room, his expression that of a psychopath.

“Please…” I whispered to no one in general. He walked up to me shoving my mother out of the way to see me better. He grinned; happy I was scared, as always. He reached over and grabbed my shirt, lifting me up off the ground; working off human instinct, I tried to make him let go but nothing happened.

“You shouldn’t have even come home you little runt.” He growled before throwing me against the other wall; my back hitting it with such force I was winded. “Now look what happens.” He said with a fake sympathetic tone; he walked over to me, I tried crawling away but he kicked my side making me lurch to the side. Pain pulsed through my body; he kicked my stomach and I heaved. He kept kicking me over and over and over again until he finally stopped when my mom passed out. “Get out of my sight.” He growled.

I crawled across the floor to my tiny room; pain ripping through my every fiber of my being. I closed the door slowly and sat against it holding stomach. I couldn’t reach the light cord above me so I sat it complete darkness, crying trying not to jerk my body too much.

Why do I deserve this? Nobody deserves this. I wish I could just have normal parents…ones who don’t hate me so damn much.

So I was gay.

Big deal.

Get rid of me if it’s so bad, don’t waste your energy on beating the shit out of me. I wish I could stay with Brody, he’d take care of me; I wouldn’t even mind if he kept me a secret to everyone. At least I’d get to feel love…

No, I can’t lie to myself. I would mind. I would hurt probably more than this if he wanted to keep me locked away from the world. I felt my hand crawl across the old carpet without me even controlling it, over to my bag which held pretty much everything I own. I unzipped it slowly and reached my hand in, feeling around until I found what I was looking for. I pulled my scissors out and slowly opened them, placing the cold metal against my wrist.

Maybe I’m just not supposed to be loved openly. Maybe I’m not supposed to be loved at all.

I sliced myself not caring how deep I was going, I wanted to feel pain I induced myself. I wanted the other pain and memories to fade away. And they slowly did, just as my blood fell from my fingertips to my jeans at a steady pace.


:C Poor Bri Bri <3

Also wanted to say THANK YOU to everyone who reads/comments and votes for this book!!! I love you all :3

Oh and...sorry about the authors note XD It was just random ahaha

Not edited!!

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