Chapter 32 - Party On

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Skylar reminds me of Blood of the Dance Floor. Just…a gay version XD I know I’m weird.

Dramatic chapter ._. Again xD I freaking love drama ahaha (Was going to put party on by botdf on the side but decided to put Death to your heart instead because it’s my favorite song by them :3)


Brody’s POV

I…guess I was right. Oh I’m so stupid I should have left him alone like I said I would. Fuckin hell. Now I probably made things like ten times worse…I facepalmed myself, restraining myself from punching the lockers in front of me. Every relationship goes through this right? A break? Damnit I hope so. “Brody what's with him?” Zoey asked, I really didn’t want to get into it with her; I just shrugged and walked away.

I went to class and sat down next to Ryan, unfortunately. He gave me a small smile; I scowled back and took out my history book. Fuck I hate history, who gives a shit about it? Like, yeah okay it good to know in the long run and whatever but still! Ugh I’m just getting cranky… “Hey man, did you hear about the party on Friday?” Ryan leaned over to whisper, I envisioned me punching him square in the face but stopped myself. Why am I so grumpy? Oh yeah. No sleep, no Briley. I decided to just converse with Ryan, he technically didn’t do anything wrong so I can’t hold a grudge over him. I sighed.


“Rachel’s having a party at her place; you know how great her parties are. Pretty much everyone’s invited, including you and the rest of your group.” He grinned. A party? Rachel does have awesome parties…but the way things are going Briley wouldn’t be up for it…I wouldn’t want to go without him.

“Oh…I…might come.” I mumbled just as the teacher walked in, Ryan looked disappointed but stayed quiet. If I went to a party I’d get into a fight…maybe. I didn’t get into one at mine but Briley did. Maybe it’d be okay…I mean Briley would want that right? He’d want me to go out instead of mope…right? Of course.

He didn’t show up at lunch. Zoey was going to start looking for him but I stopped her, she wanted to know what was wrong, of course, so I told her he’s going through a lot. I mean, he has to live with his parents again, that’s a lot to take in, and Skylar’s back; I didn’t tell her that I thought he needed space from me, but I’m sure she can figure that out. Needless to say, lunch was fairly boring for me; I got so used to having Briley beside me, talking, laughing, teasing.

Come on Brody it’s only been a few days! Get a hold of yourself man!

I brushed my hand through my hair and sighed for the millionth time today. It was already after school, Briley was again nowhere to be found so Zoey and I drove home. She didn’t pester me about Briley on the ride home, thank god, but I knew she knew something was up. I could just tell. I guess it’s some kind of invisible, unknown sibling telepathy or something to know when there's something wrong. When we got home I went straight to my room, ignoring the kitchen entirely, and laid on my bed. Maybe I could do my homework completely for once…

Friday rolled around finally, this week felt like a freaking year holy shit, and I was worse than before. Much worse. I haven’t heard or even had a glimpse of Briley anywhere, I had to swallow my negative thoughts of him being hurt and let him be. He’s strong, he’ll be okay. He made it without me with Adam riding on his ass so he’ll be fine this time. At least I have a party to look forward to tonight, I made the decision to just go; it can’t be much worse than being home along right? And the alcohol will help…

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