Chapter 30 - Disconnected

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Briley’s POV

I found myself wandering the streets, it was already dark and raining slightly but I didn’t care. My father’s words still echoed in my mind, practically pulling me from reality. What would happen if he found me? Well that’s obvious, he would kill me. He wouldn’t hesitate. Maybe I deserve that…no how could I say that? I have Brody and Zoey and everyone else on my side, I can’t say I deserve to die! That would kill them! Right? I shook my head and pulled my hand through my damp hair. Where do I go now? Should I call Brody? He’ll get mad if he knows what happened, and I’m quite sure he’d find out. I probably have a bruise forming on my back where it hurts. I sighed, my breath showing itself in the cold spring air; I didn’t feel it though I was only in a t-shirt, I was too clouded from the world around me to notice.

“Briley?” A voice echoed through the rain but I barely heard it, I kept walking forward aimlessly. I really have nowhere to go at the moment… I felt numb. “Briley! What are you doing out in the rain?” I stopped but didn’t look at the person who walked up, for all I know this guy could be a pedophile but I don’t care. At the moment nothing really worked. A shadow walked up to me and stood a half foot away; it was Skylar. All red flags and sirens that should have gone off, didn’t. I stood there, expressionless; I really didn’t care at all. “Come on; let’s get you out of the rain.” He put his arm around me and guided me to his car, I didn’t protest; I wasn’t in the right mind to even speak. I slunk into his black Mercedes and kept quiet as he drove me to his place, normally I would feel sick to my stomach if I saw his house but I didn’t register it. My father’s words were still going through my mind as I walked in the door.

“Let’s get you into some war, dry clothes hm?” He hung his jacket up on the coat rack and lightly placed his hand on my back, I let him lead me to his room. Why was I doing this? Why was I letting this happen? He handed me a towel once we got it, his room hasn’t changed since last year, everything was the exact same. It felt…comforting though I hated to admit it. Skylar was my first love, he kissed me first, made love to me first, he and I did everything together. I can’t just hate him, it’s impossible. I wish I could though. I dried my hair off the best I could and handing him back the towel, exchanging it for a shirt and pajama bottoms; my hair was still of course damp but not bad, my shirt stuck to my thin body and now was freezing. Should I just put these on? It’s not like he’d do anything… “So, why were you out in the rain?” He asked, throwing the towel into a hamper.

“My dad kicked me out…I had nowhere to go.” I couldn’t look him in the eyes, knowing what I was doing was wrong. I shouldn’t be here and yet I am; I’m in Skylar’s room, talking to him and taking my wet shirt off. I threw the shirt on the ground and finally looked up at him with my eyes, looking past my damp strands. I didn’t feel like myself, I wasn’t Briley, I was a stranger. I was disconnected. I dropped the other clothes not breaking my gaze; Skylar took the hint and stepped towards me, towering over me. I looked into his eyes, seeing my reflection.

I leaned up and kissed him.


In Rated R Chapters


The morning sun rose, casting its rays into the room. I blinked and recalled what happened the night before.

Oh god. What have I done?

I cheated on Brody. My love, my life, my everything. I ruined our relationship because I wasn’t myself, because I couldn’t control my actions. He would never do something like this to me, ever. Why can’t I ever do anything right?! Why can’t I ever control myself?! This is horrible. What if he found out? He would get rid of me, ignore me, hate me.

“You awake Briley?” Skylar yawned and sat up beside me, I hugged the blanket close to me and refrained from looking at him. I can’t be mad at him, not when I was the one who initiated this in the first place. I’m the one who let him do what he wanted; I’m the one who enjoyed hurting the love of my life. Looks like I’m the monster, not my father. I placed both hands on my face as tears fell. How could I do something so horrible and enjoy every minute of it?! I am a sick, sick human being. “Bri?” he scooted closer to me, wrapping his arm around me. And you know? I didn’t shrug him off; I didn’t yell at him or run away. I wrapped my arms around him and cried into his chest. I truly am sick.

I don’t deserve Brody. I don’t even deserve Skylar.


This is a short one because of the scene, I really wish I could just keep it in here but I’d risk getting reported -_-

Also, for those of you who didn't read the rated R part, Briley did it because he knew it would take the pain of his fathers words away.

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