Chapter 31 - Let Go

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It's a crime you let it happen to me
Out of mind, I love it, easy to please
Never mind, forget it, just memories
On a page inside a spiral notebook

*Little bit of explicit content in here but it isn’t anything really.


Brody’s POV

I laid in my bed, trying to close my eyes to fall asleep but it seemed nearly impossible. Briley hadn’t called me; did his dad hurt him? Did they get sober? Is he okay? I wished he would just call me, I was too afraid to. What if he was in the middle of talking with his mom or dad? I know it’s late but…anything could be happening. I turned on my side and grabbed Briley’s pillow, hugging it tightly to my chest inhaling his scent. I miss him being here in my bed, my arms wrapped around him, blocking him from the world. Protecting him. Now he’s gone, he’s defenseless out there.

What am I saying? He’s fine, he’ll call me. And when he does he’ll explain everything. I should just let myself fall asleep and not worry.

Still, I felt in my gut something wasn’t right.

Maybe I’m just lonely…

“Where’s Briley honey?” My mom asked, setting a bowl full of porridge in front of me. I groaned and slammed my forehead on the counter just missing the bowl. I didn’t get any sleep last night, my head hurts from thinking too much and Briley hasn’t called me yet. Needless to say my morning so far sucks ass. Why hasn’t he called me? Am I being too clingy? Maybe he needs a break…my heart clenched at the thought. I don’t want to take a break from him, one day and I’m already missing him like I haven’t seen him in years. I need to call him. I need to.

“I…don’t know. I’ll be right back.” I got up and walked to my room still in my pajamas and closed the door behind me. My phone was on my nightstand completely dead looking, I hesitantly grabbed it and true to my observation nothing was on it. No texts, no calls. I sighed but smiled a bit at the picture on the lock screen; Briley and I together, a picture Zoey took of us when we were crashed on the couch, cuddling close together. I unlocked it and called him.

‘Your call has been forwarded to an automatic voice messag-“ I hung up. His phone if off? I gulped. Maybe I’m just making a mountain out of a mole hill…maybe his phones just dead and doesn’t have a charger since is over here. Yup.

I cracked my fingers one by one, pinky, ring finger, middle, index and thumb; trying not to think about Briley. Which was thoroughly impossible. Brushing my hand through my hair, I called him again, probably the hundredth time I have today and it’s only four. It rang just like it did the last five times but went straight to the answering machine after the third ring; I gritted my teeth and left a message.

“Briley where are you? I’ve tried calling you like a million times already…did something happen? Just…please call.” I hung up and tilted my head down, pressing my wrists to my head with phone still in hand. “God damn it.” I whispered to the floor, squeezing my eyes closed. If he’s hurt…I…I don’t know what I’d do. I’d blame myself of course. I let him go; I should have gone with him, even if he protested. Fuck! Why didn’t I just go?! Now he’s probably hurt, or worse…I shot my head up, ready to throw my phone against the wall until it rang. I jumped but raced to look at who it was. “Briley?! Where are you?! Are you hurt?” I rushed.

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