Chapter 5 - Bri

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This chapters dedicated to Poisonseeker :D Thank you so much for the amazing comments!

Sorry this chapters a littler shorter, I wanted the next part to be on its own :P
Please vote! I love votes :3 I got two last time maybe three now? Pweeeeeeaassee :3


Brody’s POV

Briley blushed making my heart flutter. He looked adorable. “Umm…h-hi Brody…” he mumbled shyly looking down.

“Hi Briley.” I smiled; he looked back up for a moment and blushed again. God you’re cute. “Can I talk to you for a second?” I asked and he nodded. I closed the door behind me and walked over. “Why do you cut?” he started to subconsciously rub his scars.

“I…A lot of reasons…” he looked back down. He didn’t seem that daunted by him being in his boxers in front of me. That made me feel better…he’s starting to get used to me.

“Can I help?” I asked hoping he would say yes, hoping he would jump into my arms. Hell I am gay…he looked up at me slowly contemplating. He shrugged. I walked over to him lifting his chin. “I want to help you Briley. Please let me help.” His mouth curved into a small smile on one side. It was a real smile. A real smile! I made him smile, my heart beat quickened. He nodded slightly looking into my eyes. I could look into his forever, so beautiful, so full of memories, so full of emotion. He looked down at my lips as I leaned closer; I moved closer and started to kiss him. Our lips moved with each other’s perfectly. I put my arms around him as he put his around my neck, I’m so glad he enjoys this as much as I do. I ran my tongue against his bottom lip but he didn’t open. I opened my eyes still kissing his sweet lips; he looked at me warily, why didn’t he want to kiss me? I looked back reassuringly and he slowly opened his mouth. I quickly went in and dominated yet again, tasting him, exploring him. He moaned and it made me deepen the kiss. It turned into an all out make out session for a good 5 minutes before I lifted him by the butt and placed him on the counter.

The shower was still going so Zoey and my parents wouldn’t be able to hear a thing. I pressed him against me, his bare chest against mine. He moaned and I swear I got hard. I continued kissing him moving my hands down to his lower back and pressed him to me. I felt him, oh god I felt him. I couldn’t help but grind which made us both moan. I never thought feeling another guys hard on would turn me on but it did. I made my way into his boxers and squeezed his ass making him moan again in my mouth; I knew what I wanted. I rubbed his chest slowly making my way down to him. I was just about to reach in when his hands grabbed my wrists. “Brody…no…” he shook his head like last night.

“Briley its okay I won’t judge you…” he shook his head again. I want to continue, I wanted to feel him, to make him happy. “Briley…” I rubbed his nose with mine, he shook his head. “Please…?” I whispered; he shook again. I was going to break free of his grasp when my mind flashed back to what Zoey said. ‘Don’t be too hasty with him. I know how you are with girls. You always get your way. You won’t with Briley…’ Don’t be hasty. “Okay…” I kissed his forehead and stepped away. He looked up at me, eyes glittery from tears that were ready to fall.

“I’m sorry…” he mumbled. I shook my head.

“No I’m sorry Bri, I won’t be hasty.” He smiled again, this time wider and jumped off the counter. “Go take a shower.” I smirked, he debated something for a second than hugged me quickly. After he let go I smiled again and left closing the door behind me. I guess Zoey’s right. I’m going to have to get used to not getting my way.

Briley’s POV

Does Brody not understand he’s going too fast? I guess he’s used to sluts but I’m not one…Why am I giving in so easily though? I don’t want to be with anybody. I don’t want to get heartbroken again. I let the warm water creep down my body amazed that it was still warm. It reminded me of Brody’s grasp, he was so warm. He smelled so good. His smile made my heart race. I didn’t want it get to this but it has. I like him…a lot. I sighed and walked out of the shower and got dressed. I hope he doesn’t come back in. My hairs not done and I have no makeup on. I’d die if he saw me like this. He always looks gorgeous…how could he like me? What am I saying? He doesn’t like me…he’s probably playing me. Ran out of girls to fuck.

For some reason I couldn’t believe myself…

I sighed. He called me Bri…

I walked out of the bathroom after doing my hair and putting on my eyeliner, luckily I bring a spare with me everywhere I go, and headed to Zoey’s room. I walked in and saw her on the phone, she giggled and said ‘see you in a bit’ to whomever she was talking to and hung up.

“Guess where we’re going?” She grinned. I shrugged; I didn’t really feel like going out anywhere… “The beach.” She said excitedly. I froze. The beach? “Don’t worry you don't have to get changed.” She smiled sincerely. I relaxed a bit. “We’re meeting up with Emma and Dylan.” I knew she liked Dylan, who didn’t? He was gorgeous. I used to like him before I met Brody…don’t get too attached. Don’t get too attached! I yelled at myself. “You can ask Brody if he’d like to come.” I grinned at that. Damnnit! I nodded and walked to Brody’s room. Boy, if you don’t have a shirt on I’m going to smack you.

I lightly knocked on his door and stepped in. He was sitting at his desk fully clothed thank god. “Umm…Brody…?” I asked shyly because of what happened earlier. I hope he wasn’t mad at me…he turned around and smiled.

“Yes sweet cheeks?” he winked, I blushed looking down. Why must you be so damn flirtatious?!

“Uh…Zoey…and I are going to the beach. You can come if you want…” I mumbled. There was a quick moment of silence.

“Sure…you need some shorts?” I looked up at him and shook my head. There is no way I’m going into that water. He shrugged. “Kay. I’ll get dressed. Wanna stay in here?” he smirked and I blushed again. Stop blushing you idiot! And stop making me blush you sexy, sexy man. I shook my head forcing back a smile and left closing the door behind me. He’s so forward. And I love it. Ugh. I walked back to Zoey’s room and opened the door as she was slipping on her jeans over her black and green striped bikini.

“So?” she asked as she zipped them up and looked in the mirror at her freshly done hair.

“He’s coming.” She stopped and looked at me in disbelief. “Seriously.” I half smiled which was almost a smirk.

“Wow…” she smiled and walked over to me. “Today’s going to be fun.” She grinned and grabbed my hand leading me out her door.

Brody drove us to the beach, me sitting next to him. What? Zoey was taking too long so I snuck in. He was so warm, I wanted to lean against him but it was too soon to do something like that…even though he was about to touch me…I shook the thoughts away. I hope Zoey’s right about today. I haven’t had a good day in years.

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