Chapter 19 - Sleepover

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Teenage Dream is on…kinda goes with Bri and Brody XD kiiiiiinda…….. >.< Don’t judge me! Ahaha

WTF IS WITH KATY PERRY?! O.o If you can afford me is on now -___-‘ It’s kind of embarrassing….going from like Dead by April and The Sorrow to this… *sigh*


Brody’s POV

Probably a hundred bucks worth of junk food and three movies later we were all laying down in the living room talking about anything and everything. It felt nice, to have real friends I mean. I’ve never done this before, not once. When I used to have sleepovers with Adam and Ryan all we talked about was girls, it was boring. Here I got to witness an insanely funny fight between Elexis and Dylan over who could have the last twizzler, which Briley ended might I add by ripping it in two; Zoey and I attacked Steven after he got out of the shower, that was pretty damn funny along with seeing Briley running around with Katrina on his back. I don’t know how he did it, he looked as small as her but he did it without breaking a sweat.

To say the least tonight was the second best night of my life, right below Briley and I’s date.

“I would totally fuck Andy Six.” Emma said starting to giggle; she didn’t handle sugar too well like the rest of us. She was lying on the couch on her back with her legs on Katrina; Dylan was on the chair with Zoey on him and Steven and Elexis were on the ground laying next to each other. Briley and I were on the loveseat, he had his head on my lap while I was brushing my hand through his hair.

“I’m sure anyone would.” Zoey started to laugh at Dylan’s expression; she kissed his cheek.

“Get a room!” Briley said trying to hold back a giggle.

“Maybe we will…” Dylan growled seductively.

“GROSS!” Elexis and I said at the same time. I can’t allow…I will NOT allow my sister to do THAT. NO. WAY. “No sex.” I told her sternly, she just laughed and called me a hypocrite; I blushed uncontrollably.

“Hear that Brody? You’re a hypocrite because you had sex with me.” Briley moved himself so he was straddling me; I blushed even more. Sure just let everyone know that, not that I’m embarrassed it’s just…well they’re probably uncomfortable. He smirked and my heart started to breathe faster. Fuck. I wish we were home…I looked around him to see Elexis and Steven crashed while everyone else seemed perfectly fine with Briley on top of me…

“You know Briley…you are such a tease.” Katrina and Emma started to giggle quietly. I tried to focus on them instead of this horny boy on top of me, squishing against me in all the right places.

“Your right I am. I’m tired.” He got off me and rested his head on the armrest laying on his side. I mentally groaned; I kinda wanted him to stay…well of course I did. Ah oh well nothing could have happened anyways…

I wonder what he’d do if we were alone…maybe he’d ride me. Fuck if he did that I’d be in heaven, his tight ass around my hard dick moving up and down and…shit.

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