Chapter 28 - Backstabber

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SHITE I'm confused now. >.< Skylar is two years older than Briley right? But that makes no sense! I don't think… fudge. Okay. He’s like…three years older but that doesn’t change anything about the past, he was still in grade ten when Briley was in grade eight. Meaning he’s nineteen.

And Dylan is eighteen btw…Adam was nineteen.

._. XD I’m not sure I put those ages anywhere in the story soo…. Yeah. :P


Briley’s POV

The rest of the week went smoothly, I didn’t hear a whisper of Skylar thank god and Brody and I were doing great. I have a feeling he and I are really going to be together forever, just like he says. And at that thought my heart beats a mile a minute. How did I get so lucky as to have someone like him? Someone so sweet and gentle, so loving and…well sexy as fuck. It’s like he makes me forget every bad thing in my life, washes away all the memories; when I’m around him I even forget about home. I wonder if my parents notice me gone, they don’t care so what's the difference? Christ what if I was kidnapped? DO they even give a rats ass?

Of course not.

But Brody does. And Zoey does. Along with their parents and my friends. Really, I have a great life, even though I have no real parents.

All of us were at the park after school, it was Friday and it was really nice out. A few puffy white clouds in the blue sky over head, bright green grass around us, trees full and bright green. It looked like summer already even though it wasn’t. It was close though. Katrina and Emma were on the see saw, Zoey was playing on one of those scooper things and Brody was pushing me lightly on a swing. Elexis and Dylan were on the bench, looking far more mature than us, which was pretty funny. Kids were running around here before we walked up, their parents pulled them away at first glance of us; heh. I guess we do look slightly scary. To over protective mothers and their bubble wrap kids anyways. Really the only scary one is Dylan. And Zoey if you knew her.

I burst out laughing when that thought came to mind, Brody looked at me then started to laugh with me; my laughs are supposedly contagious. Not soon after we were in a full on laughing fit, he stopped me and practically draped himself over me as we kept laughing. Everyone’s expressions didn’t help, that made it worse.

“You guys are so weird.” Katrina giggled along with Emma.

“I know.” I said through a break in the laugher. What was so funny? I don’t really understand what was so funny but Brody and I couldn’t stop; maybe it was his laughter? He had such a cute, contagious laugh so maybe it was a viscous circle. A devious thought came to mind, breaking my laughing fit; an evil chuckle erupted through me and Brody looked at me holding back his laughter. I stood up in a flash and threw myself at him, smashing my lips to his, making him tumble backwards on to the sand. Everyone started to laugh, FINALLY JEEZE!

Brody looked shocked for a second but then closed his eyes and enjoyed the kiss; but I didn’t want him to cause I’m evil. I pulled away, wiping off the saliva from my mouth with my arm, and smirked at his whine. Awe poor Brody, he isn’t getting what he wants. I looked up from him slightly to advert from his very tempting lips and…oh shit. I should NOT have looked up! Without a thought I slammed my lips back to his making him jump but he defrosted and kissed me back. Shit shit shit. Why?! WHY?!

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