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Yes. The time has come :C Thanks guys for all your support!! It means SO MUCH to me :) Video I made on the side with quotes and shtuff from the book >>


Briley’s POV

“Briley come on everybody’s waiting!” Zoey called out from behind the door, I slipped on the suit jacket and walked out. Zoey smiled at me, wearing a little pink dress with her hair curled and makeup done; she fixed my tie and patted down my jacket. “I can’t believe we’ve done it. We’ve graduated.” She mumbled to herself, I smiled and interlocked my arm with her, leading her downstairs. The smell of food hit my nostrils; Lisa must be making dinner for our graduation. Well, it was already past our graduation technically, we just got back from it. Zoey and I walked into the living room; everybody was there, surprising the both of us. When I mean everyone, I mean everyone; Katrina, Emma –who also graduated with us- Dylan, Elexis, Steven, some of their parents, Lisa, Ian and Brody. My heart stopped when I saw him, you would think I was used to seeing him by now but I wasn’t. Our love hasn’t burned out, I still get goosebumps when he touches me, still blush when he says something cute or sees me in my boxers. I wouldn’t have it any other way. Katrina and Emma stood by us, smiling of course.

“Congratulations!” Everyone yelled out to the four of us, I blushed. I’m still shy, but not like I was before. I was used to the people I was around every day; my friends, Brody’s parents, but I still get shy when I’m the center of attention. I’ve been living with Brody since that night a year ago, after a bit his parents took me in as their child since I had no other family to take me in. It’s sad really, to think I’ll be the last Jameson once my parents go; it’s also sad to know they don’t care. But I don’t let it bother me now. I have a beautiful home to live in with the love of my life and his family, well, my family now I guess. Zoey’s become a sister to me, she even introduces me as her brother sometimes, and Lisa and Ian are pretty much like my parents. They treat me like their own flesh and blood.

I could never repay them for doing the things they’ve done for me, I don’t feel bad though anymore, I don’t feel that selfish. I’m glad this has happened to me, I live every day to the fullest, with Brody by my side every second of the day.

Oh, you may be wondering what happened to Skylar after Brody and I made up. Well he was actually taken away by his parents, they found out what happened to me when we were together and got pissed. They always liked me, and hated their son, who wouldn’t? Anyways, they moved to New York or something against his wishes so Brody and I haven’t seen him since, thank god. After that Brody and I got impossibly closer, we don’t care about what people think of us and found out that people don’t even care anymore. We have friends outside of our little group, though we don’t hang around them much, but it’s good to know we don’t have anyone hating on us. Except Skylar of course, but he doesn’t matter.

Ryan Gregory has smartened up as well, before he graduated with Brody he hung around us, he’s actually a really nice guy. Turns out he was just afraid of people like Brody was, once he stared hanging with us things changed. They changed quite a bit actually. He and Emma got together a month before his graduation and have been going out ever since. Katrina is still single but she’s quite content being so, she wants to be able to have fun in college supposedly, I rolled my eyes at that.

Dylan and Zoey are still together, and happier than ever, same with Elexis and Steven. You could say life is great but I disagree.

Life is perfect.

“So, out of school now Briley. You going to college?”Steven asked, nudging me slightly with his typical grin plastered on his face. I smiled and shook my head.

“I haven’t thought that far to be honest.” It was true, I never thought about college; I never thought I could go to college even if I wanted to because my parents would never pay for me. I wouldn’t want Brody’s parents to pay for me either; I’d just feel horrible doing that. I don’t need to go to college; I can live without it, that is, unless Brody goes. Then I’d want to go because I wouldn’t be able to live without him. I felt arms wrap around me from behind and I smiled, knowing who it was.

“If I go, he goes it’s as simple as that. I wouldn’t be able to go through it without him.” He kissed my cheek and smiled, Steven smiled back.

“If you do go, I hope to god you don’t have another roomie. I’d feel sorry for him to have to deal with you going at it like bunnies every day.” He chuckled and I blushed. Sure Brody and I do that…quite a lot…but not every day! I had school before! …though I did come home. I facepalmed myself mentally. Okay, maybe we are bunnies but come on! It’s Brody we’re talking about! It’s not sex it’s making love.

There is a difference.

“I’m sure after the first night he’d leave.” Brody teased, my face heated up even more, I was tempted to run away but I’m not that mean.

“Most likely.” Steven ruffled up my hair and walked away to Elexis, poking her side making her jump and scowl playfully at him. I looked at Brody behind me, he smiled and kissed me gently for a second and pulled back.

“I love you.”

“I love you too.”

And that night, after dinner, presents and more embarrassing moments, we proved to each other how much we did love each other.

I guess it’s true what they say; there is always a silver lining, even in the darkest of times. No matter how fragile love is, something good will always come out of it. Whether it be knowledge, experiences, memories or your soul mate; love will always give you something. Even if you don’t quite know what it is yet.

The End.


*cries* That’s it. Fragile Love is finito, done, over, finished! T-T


I’m SO HAPPY everyone loved my book! I appreciate the votes, comments and fans SO MUCH <3 I wouldn’t have gotten this far without you!

You all deserve a freaking hug from like…Pikachu cause…he’s awesome…and is sitting on my bed staring at me ._.



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