Chapter 21 - Stop reading start doing pushups

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I’ve been waiting to do this chapter since like the beginning; I have a feeling it’s going to be difficult to write…

The bubbles on my screen go with the music…. *stares*

Meaning to the name of this chapter at the end lol


Brody’s POV

I hate to leave Briley alone at school…well sorta alone anyways…but I’m just too god damn tired. I’m not one for getting less than eight hours sleep…

I slumped on the couch in the living room, the house was quiet; it felt weird, almost eerie. Nobody was home, there wasn’t music blasting upstairs, the TV wasn’t on. The only sound was the constant tick tick tick of the wall clock by the patio door. I thought the silence would be comforting but it seemed like it was holding back something…like the clock was counting down the seconds until something happened. Because of this I was restless not being able to close my eyes for more than a second.







I jumped and fell off the couch. What the hell? How long have I been up? I looked at the clock, it read quarter after ten. Ugh! And I didn’t even get a minute of sleep! I yawned and walked to the door, who could it be? Steven? No, why would he come here? I didn’t even look out the peephole I just opened the door wide.

“Adam?” I squinted from the sunlight, Adam stood in front of me with a deadly calm expression. Close the door Brody, come on close the door. I couldn’t move my arm quick enough to close the door before he pushed me inside; I barely even felt the floor once I hit it since I was so tired.

“Your friends can’t help you now Brody.” He growled and slammed the door shut, locking the knob and the deadbolt. He smiled evilly at me and started to walk forwards. Fuck get up Brody! My mind was in a daze, trying to comprehend what was happening. Get up! Get up!

Briley’s POV

I was on my way to second class, still wondering why that senior girl came up to me earlier. Why did she want to know where Brody was? I mean, school didn’t really even start…maybe they had a group project to work on? No it’s something more than that…I stopped in the middle of the hallway, not caring people had to walk around me. I had some weird feeling in my gut and grabbed my phone to text Dylan; his first class was with Adam…

Briley: Is Adam at school today?

Dylan: No…why?

I broke into a cold sweat. That bitch wanted to know where Brody was because Adam wanted to know. I need to get to Brody NOW.

Brody’s POV

I cringed when he kicked my side a second time; my eyes filled with spots. “This isn’t a fair fight Adam.” I slurred out.

“I’m not here to fight you.” He bent down beside me. “I’m here to kill you.” He said through clenched teeth. Just by his expression I knew he wasn’t joking; my breath started to quicken as I tried to get up. The pain in my side woke me up a bit but not much; the world still seemed to swirl around me. I sat up, still on the ground and watched him as he stood up calmly and walked into the kitchen. I took the chance to heave myself up and search my pockets for my phone frantically. Fuck. I left it at Dylan’s. Maybe I can run; I looked down at my feet and almost fell forwards. No. I’m stuck here. With Adam who wants to kill me.

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