Chapter 29 - Phone Call

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I know I’ve said this probably a gazillion times before but thank you fanners, commenters, voters, supporters and readers for being so amazing!!!! :D This story is by far the most popular of all my other stories possibly combined :)



Brody’s POV

O…kay. So what's going on with Skylar and Dylan? I felt some kind of…weird tension in the air when Dylan showed up and…Skylar looked scared as hell. I hate being curious but god damn I am. Also I want to tell him to come around more often when Skylar does. Hm…maybe I could show Skylar a picture of Dylan and he’d run for the hills and never bother Briley or I again.

Sounds like a good plan Brody.

Since when do I come off as talking to myself in third person?

I don’t know Brody, maybe you’re insane.


Briley and I walked off to the little wooded area a few hours later, Dylan made no comments about what happened and I could tell it bothered Briley as much as it did for me. But I’ll let it go for now…

The trees looked like they were on fire as the bright orange sun set, we sat on a rock that made me feel like we were completely secluded from the world. It was nice, and to tell the truth the setting was really romantic; maybe I could make this into a date. Our second date. Yeah I haven’t taken Briley out since our first date but hey, we were perfectly happy staying home. I reached over and grabbed his soft, warm hand in mine and he glanced over with a little smile playing on his lips.

Leaning over he met me half way and our lips collided into a slow, gentle, loving kiss; I felt like I was in a movie, with the setting sun glowing through the trees ahead of us. Now all we needed was some slow romantic music and flowers. Wait, do guys even like flowers? …I furrowed my brows and Briley leaned back slightly, looking at me weird. “What?”

Should I test it? I looked around quickly, ah ha! I picked up a single forget-me-not since it was the only thing around and turned to him, smiling. It was a pitiful, tiny little flower but its color was bright. Sigh, if only I was a poet I could conjure up something to make this moment better. He looked down at the flower and smiled instead of laughing, which I thought for sure he was going to do. He took the tiny flower from me and spun it around in his gentle grasp, then he looked up with his eyes smiling wider. Our eyes met as we smiled at each other, not saying a word but it was comfortable. It was like we were falling deeper in love if that was possible. “I love you.” He whispered, eyes still focused on me, mouth still smiling lovingly.

“I love you too Briley.” I whispered back; I leaned down to continue the gentle kiss but stopped as I heard his phone go off, he huffed and looked like he was going to ignore it but he grabbed it anyways.

“Hello?” I heard someone on the other line and he froze like he saw a ghost. No worse. Like he saw Satan himself standing right behind me. This, of course, concerned me so I tightened my grip on his hand to comfort him, he didn’t seem to notice, instead he jumped. “Y-yes sir.” Was all he said and hung up; I brushed my hand over his pale cheek. What on earth could make him look like this? Who was that on the phone? I tried to think of who it was, Skylar? No I’m sure he’d have enough sense to yell at him, or even give me the phone…Adam calling from jail? Ha, okay now I’ m just reaching. “M-my parents want me home.” He stuttered and my eyes widened in shock.

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