Chapter 8 pt. 1 - What a Day

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Dedicated to AllstarBeatzMarie cause she made my day haha and her stories are addicting :P

check out her stories they're amazing :)


Brody’s POV

“Brody?” I heard Breanne ask in an irritated voice, I think she’s been calling my name for the last minute but I wasn’t paying attention. I looked up and her clones giggled; stupid bitches.

“What?” I snapped and they stopped.

“What the hell is with you Brody? You aren’t acting like yourself, you leave us at lunch, you don’t call me or come over and now I hear you got into a fight with Adam.” I’m not acting like myself? I’m acting like myself more than I ever have! Can’t they see I have a mask? It’s obvious. I was going to tell her off but a lump formed in my throat. What if I can’t get through to Briley? Zoey would hate me if I make him worse and I’d be alone. I wouldn’t have any friends because Breanne and Adam would make sure to scare the living crap out of everyone.

“I’m sorry…” I forced myself to apologize. For what? I have no idea. “I’m just not feeling good that’s all and Adam pissed me off.” I shrugged and looked down at my untouched sandwich.

“You going emo on us Brody?” Rachel said sarcastically with her typical nosey voice. I tightened my fists, if I were a chick I’d punch her out.

“Funny.” I growled not looking up.

“Rachel stop being a bitch. Brody come with me.” Breanne got up and grabbed my hand pulling me with her. I knew what was coming but how could I stop her? If I run or not let her do what she wants she’ll know something else is going on but I don't want to! I don’t want to see her body I don’t want to taste her slutty mouth! My mind was scrambling to try and figure out something to do. Crap!

I pulled out my phone discretely and texted Zoey.

Brody: HELP ME Breanne is taking me somewhere DO SOMETHING

My phone vibrated right away; thank god she always has it with her.

Zoey: What do you want me to do? Screw that have fun fucking your slut.


She didn’t text back. FUCK. I know I’m overreacting but really, you aren’t in my situation.

“I’ll make you feel better Brody don’t worry.” She stopped in front of a supply closet and smirked at me. Why can’t I just grow some balls and walk away? I’m a fucking wimp. She opened the door and shoved me in, she was much stronger than she looked, and walked in after me closing and locking the door behind her. It was pitch black in the closet and at this moment I’d rather be stuck in here with a serial killer than with her.

She placed her hands on my chest and trailed them down to my jeans, I was already pressed against the wall but I still tried to move farther away. I felt her breath fan on my face and I cringed; if she kisses me I may just have to kill myself. Her hands travelled up my chest under my shirt then back down a few times before unbuttoning my jeans. I sucked in quickly stopping myself from screaming at her, she most likely took it as a good sign though because she quickly unzipped them. I am so glad I wore tighter jeans today; they didn’t fall down.

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