Chapter 12 - The Reason

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Brody’s POV

I would never do this because I knew the consequences but Zoey was firm. She texted me in second block her plan; she said if I did this it would make me look stronger. I doubted her but decided to go along with it. I trust my sister and know she wouldn’t do anything that would hurt my reputation. She is after all trying to make me look better…

Briley walked in silence beside me as we walked to the cafeteria door. Dylan, Zoey and Elexis were there. Why the hell is Elexis here?! She’s a bitch to me!

“You actually came, I’m surprised.” Elexis sneered once I walked up to them; I restrained myself from saying something mean back.

“Let’s get this over with…” I mumbled and Zoey opened both doors dramatically.

My stomach twisted.

I felt sick.

The air inside the cafeteria that used to be cool and thin was now thick and hot like a sauna. I broke into a cold sweat, my breath was shallow, my knees felt weak.

I need to get out of here.

I must’ve looked like I was freaking out because Dylan clapped me on my back snapping me out of my trance. That’s when I realized I didn’t move from my spot the entire time; everyone else was already sitting down at a table.

“C’mon Brody, I’ve got your back.” He pushed me a little. His words made me feel a little better, but not much. I was still sweating and felt like I was going to collapse but I somehow made my way to the table and sat between Zoey and Briley. Dylan sat directly in front of me while his sister sat next to him in front of Zoey. Elexis shot me a quick look of pure hatred before turning back to Zoey. Maybe I’d feel better if I wasn’t sitting this close to someone who hates me; way to go Zoey. You make me feel so much better.

I couldn’t help but look around for Breanne or Adam; they were the reason I felt so horrible so why not find them so I could have a reason for passing out.

“Brody.” Zoey elbowed me so I turned to her. She nodded her head over to her left and I looked.

Breanne was sitting at her usual table with her clones, Ryan and… Adam had his arm around Breanne whispering in her ear, she was giggling.

“What the fuck?!” I screamed shooting up from my seat almost tossing the table over. Adam looked over and gave me a taunting smile. I trudged over, all fear left and anger filled the void, and everyone looked at me shocked. Except for everyone at the table I was ready to flip over any second.

“Look who came to see us, Brody the traitor.” Breanne smiled.

“You fucking bitch.” I growled Adam and Breanne both kept smiling; the clones and Ryan laughed softly to themselves.

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