Chapter 17 pt. 2 - Blow Up

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Part twooooo :)


Brody’s POV

So he had a boyfriend before me. I sighed and sat on my bed brushing my hand through my hair. Skylar; mister gay player from a few years back. Briley and him had a secret relationship and he broke his heart; wonder how that makes me feel? Like a complete douche bag. I’m pretty much thinking of doing that same thing as him. I’m scared and I’m too afraid to show off Briley and I’s relationship; just like Skylar.


On top of that I know what he’s going through practically because of me. I wanted to scream but I can’t it’s too late. Maybe I should just go to sleep, Briley will be okay right? He’s stronger than he looks. Hell he may not even get beaten…

I fell asleep on the verge of crying. I know he is, and yet I can’t do anything to help…

“Brody! Get up you big retard!” Something pushed me off the bed to the hard ground, I groaned. “Get up!” I heard Zoey say again and I saw a projectile pillow heading straight for my head, I couldn’t dodge it so it hit me square in the face. “Get dressed. I want to get to school earlier today…” she walked out of my room; I groaned again and got up. I took a quick shower and got dressed; I hope I see Briley before anyone else does…

I drove possibly too fast to school and headed straight to Briley’s locker with Zoey trailing behind. I have to make sure he’s okay…I saw Dylan there next to Briley who was shoving things in his locker. Relief washed over me, mixed with slight anger. Dylan always seems to be near Briley; he’s quick to be around him. He’s MINE.

“H…hi Briley.” I said, he didn’t turn around. Shit. He’s pissed at me, which is understandable.”I’m sorry about yesterday baby.” I whispered so only he could hear; he turned a bit, his eyes were red. Is he crying? Or rather was he?

“Right. You’re sorry. I don’t want to get into this if you’re going to be afraid.” He slammed his locker closed and shoved past me. I watched as he walked away shocked; not at his actions per say but that he knew what I was thinking. Dylan and Zoey ran after him as I stood in place.

Why am I so god damn AFRAID?! I have NOTHING to be afraid about! I got into a brawl with everyone, I’m not in their ‘clique’ anymore. I can do whatever the fuck I want. I slammed my hand against a locker before walking away to mine.

Today’s going to be yet another dramatic school day.

Briley’s POV (Very short)

I cut myself pretty bad last night. After I heard my parents go to bed I slid out of my room to clean up in the bathroom; it was bad but nothing I haven’t dealt with before. While I was cleaning my cut I started to think about what I was doing. I don’t want to be in another secret relationship, I’ll deal with the small heartbreak from leaving Brody. It’ll be better than to wait. If he smartens up I’ll stay with him because I really do love him but if not I’m done. For real this time.

Brody’s POV

I figured out what I was going to do through my first two classes; it wasn’t a hard decision, I just had to get over my fears.

I’m just going to go out on a limb here and say I’m probably going to get the shit kicked out of me.

I walked into the cafeteria with a certain…air about me. I walked straight over to Briley sitting next to Zoey and grabbed his arm. I pulled him up and guided him over to Adams table, everyone was there. Perfect. I grinned at Adam.

“Hey Adam. Guess what.” Briley looked at me weird, along with everyone else. “You got your ass kicked last week by a gay man.” I smiled and kissed Briley in front of everyone; and I mean everyone. They all gasped of course. I stopped kissing Briley and shocked. Smiled at him, he looked thoroughly shocked.

“I always knew you were a fag!” Breanne started to laugh hysterically along with Adam and the clones. Ryan stayed quiet; I looked over still smiling.

“And that’s funny?” I asked calmly, not wanting to show any anger.

“And you’re an idiot!” she exclaimed again dramatically. Ryan was still quiet.

“Bitch says what?” Briley said quick enough so it was barely understandable. I was surprised to see him actually say something.

“What?” Breanne looked at him weird; he started to laugh. Oh shit…he’s going to piss them off.

“Stupid little fagot thinks he’s funny. How cute.” Adam growled and stood up walking over to us; I made sure to stand in front of Briley. “Come on. Tell another ‘joke’ fairy.” He sneered; I was about to say something but Briley pushed me aside and pointed a finger at Adam.

“I have dealt with SO MUCH SHIT from you I'm TIRED OF IT! Do you really think it’s cool to beat up the weak little emo kid? Ha ha it’s so funny to take away his money for food when he has none. It’s so funny to make him starve for the entire day because lunch is the ONLY THING he gets to eat all day. It’s so fucking funny to make a mockery of sexual preference just like everyone else. Why don’t you say something that hasn’t been said a million times over? Oh right. Because you have to follow everyone else. I’m sorry I forgot about that. You’re all the same. The bitchy slut who takes control of everyone, her clones, the cocky jock who beats up the ‘uncool kids’. I’ve heard it over and over again.” Everyone was quiet in the cafeteria listening to Briley’s rant and all our expressions held the same emotions. Shock. “Go ahead. Get mad. Beat the shit out of me. It’s not like I get beaten enough, I can take it.” He growled challenging Adam who didn’t say a word. “That’s what I thought.” He turned around and grabbed my arm before walking away pulling me with him. I was too shocked to say anything. I was supposed to make a big speech like that…but Briley beat me to it and did a hell of a job.

He pulled me to an empty dead end hallways and pushed my against the wall. His lips pressed against mine in heated passion, I could still sense he was angry from the blow up but he wasn’t angry at me anymore. I deepened the kiss by opening his mouth and he, surprisingly, took control. He stopped soon after before I could do anything and looked into my eyes.

“I love you Brody…” he pecked me. “Thank you.” He whispered and pecked my lips again.


I'll continue writing tomorrow possibly :) If I have time, ugh >.< I pulled a muscle in my chest/arm area today dancing with my friend on my xbox kinect thingy (LOL yes I dance to that XD not well...but it's funny ahaha) it huuurtsss especially since I have to keep my arm up while I'm writing Dx

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