Chapter 7 - Make Him Happy

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I didn't proof read this so sorry if something doesn't make sense :S

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Brody’s POV

I watched as Briley walked away. Did I do something wrong? Was I truly being too hasty? No that’s impossible…but then again not everyone’s the same right? Maybe I have to really take this slow, even if I don’t want to. This is new to me and I want it bad but I have to stop myself.

“Where’d Briley go?” I heard Emma ask from behind me, I was still sitting in the same spot looking at nothing in general. I shrugged and got up.

“He went home…” Zoey gave me a mean look but I looked away at the crowd forming a ways down the beach. I caught a glimpse of Adam and my stomach felt like it was going to jump out of my mouth. I need to get out of here. Now. Knowing him he’ll be pissed at me for snapping at him.

“Uh…I…uh…should go too. I’ll walk, Zoey you can take my truck.” I said quickly and slipped on my clothes walking away. I heard them talking to each other behind me but I didn’t care, I didn’t want to get the shit kicked out of me here.

I decided to keep to myself the rest of the day and Sunday, just thinking things over, letting my mind take in all that’s happened these past few days. A lot has happened; found out I’m gay, knowing the guy I like probably hates me along with my sister, got on to the guy you hope to god isn’t on your bad side on my bad side. This sucks. There aren’t any words to describe it really.

I walked to my locker praying no one would be there and thanks to my awful luck there was. Adam leaned against mine looking at his phone, blocking me from getting in and getting out. Maybe I should just leave, he hasn’t seen me yet. I was just about to turn around when he called my name; I froze in spot clenching my eyes tight. I’ve been in fights before with football players and never flinched but Adam’s different. His confidence is nerve wracking.

Composing myself, I turned around to face him. He wore his typical cocky grin as he crossed his huge arms making him look even bigger.

“I can’t help but think about how you challenged me Friday.” He said in a calm voice which made me shiver. “Do you not think I can take on someone as big as myself?” he laughed once. “Well someone close anyways.” For some reason his usual cocky attitude set me off. I started to think of him beating Briley, making people tremble in his shadow. Enough of it. I will not bow down to him. I stood up straight and gave him an icy stare, something I have never done. He didn’t falter; instead he pushed himself off my locker and stood closer to me. He was only a couple inches shorter than me but he was much wider. I had muscles though and would be his best match in the school. I’m not one for violence unless it’s for a good cause. And this is more than a good cause.

“You know, Adam.” I started keeping my eyes on his. “It’s a well known fact that people like you,” I smirked dramatically looking him up and down. “Only let out their frustrations on people because they have very small penises.” I grinned evilly. “I’m sure all the others on the team know that’s completely true.” People that heard our conversation ‘oh’d’ in response. Again, he didn’t faultier.”Oh I’m sorry does your brain match your dick? Let me put this in terms you may understand. You. Mad. Because. Of. Small. Dick.” I grinned wider showing my hate towards him. I felt on top of the world, like I finally broke through the haze covering me from reality. He smiled back showing me he didn’t care.

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