Chapter 27 - Sexy Turtle

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I didn’t fall asleep until 7 am, I woke up at 4 pm. I need to keep myself preoccupied… ._. :/ And so I am off to give my cat a bath >:)

Oops I forgot to post a pic of Skylar in the last chapter… tis on the right >>

Hes so good looking I didn't want to use him for a jackass >.< but whatever...


Brody’s POV

Um. What the fuck? What the hell is going here?! Alert alert! Someone do something! Brain goddamnit work! I could imagine little cells in my empty brain scrambling around to find something, anything that could get my thoughts straight. What is he doing?! Push him away! A little spark went from my brain to my arms and I pushed him violently away from me. “What the fuck are you doing?!” I boomed throwing my arms up in the air like an insane person.

“Kissing you.” He said like it was obvious. No shit Sherlock, I am aware that two people lips pressing together is called a kiss. BUT WHAT THE FUCK! It makes me sick to think THAT happened with HIM. I hate him! I’ve hated him for years! Since eighth grade when he tried to go out with me…long story.

“Get the hell out of here Skylar before I punch your face in.” I threatened hoping Briley couldn’t hear me; I knew he could but a guy could hope. He didn’t make any intention of leaving, instead he stepped closer but before I could punch him he raised his index finger.

“Let me just talk. I’m sorry for what I just did, that was very immature of me. Now.” He looked me up and down then smirked. “I just want to say that I’ve liked you since well…since I first laid eyes on you. Back then you were straight but now that you aren’t…” He bit his lower lip; is he trying to seduce me? Ha! That’s a pretty lame ass way of seducing someone. I should just get rid of him now so I can go back to Briley. “Let’s have some fun, hm?” he quirked an eyebrow and closed the gap between us.

“Yeah no.” I poked his chest and moved him away from me like he was a disease, which he pretty much was. “Go home Skylar. I don’t want you I have Briley, and he doesn’t want you either.”

“I don’t want Briley I want you.”

“Too bad.” I pushed him out the door and closed it in his face, ignoring whatever it was he was saying. I made sure to lock the door before heading back into the living room. Briley was still on the couch, his knees were up and his hands where hiding his face; his chest still bare. Is he…crying? God I hope not. “Bri?” I walked over cautiously and placed my hand on his shoulder, he looked up with red tear filled eyes. “Baby don’t cry over him…”

“I…I can’t help it. Memories…” He whispered, a few more tears trickled down his cheeks. I wiped them away before cupping his face in my hands.

“Don’t think about him at all Briley. What's in the past is done. Think about right now. I’m here and I love you. That’s all that matters.” A little smiled appeared on his lips.

“You always know just the right things to say…”

“I try my best.” I smiled and kissed him hopefully washing away all the negative thoughts in his fragile mind. He kissed me back more passionately than I expected and soon opened his mouth so I could enter; once I did our tongues battled for dominance and he…won. I didn’t want to give in but…I think subconsciously I did just to see what it was like. He pulled me up, with my help, to his lap so I was straddling him. Oh jeeze it’s like the party all over again; but this time we were both sober, which means whatever happens is up to us…

He ran his cold hands up my chest under my shirt, rubbing every inch of skin then pulling the shirt off me; his lips left mine but went down to my neck, his hands still massaging my chest. A quiet moan escaped my lips and I could feel him smile. Oh fuck, damn him for being so sexy. I could feel his bulge under me so I grinded him hard making us both moan. “Fuck me.” He moaned harshly making me get harder. Whatever you say…

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