Chapter 11 - Tough

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Brody’s POV

Zoey think I broke Briley, and I believe her. I never knew he was so…so…lively? It of course feels great to know I’m behind his new self but how did I help? I haven’t done much other than show him I care, is that all he needed? I would think someone who gets abused everyday would need more than that…

On the way to school Briley sat between Zoey and I, his head rested against my shoulder the entire time. I tried not to think about school but the closer we got the worse I felt.

I can’t be seen with Briley like this, what if someone finds out and tells everyone? I’ll be teased, he’ll be teased. I’ll lose my reputation and then some. I can’t do this. I need to stick with my group…but I told Briley I’d be with him all day. Oh what am I going to do?

I parked in my usual spot and turned off the truck; Zoey got out along with Briley as I rested my forehead on the steering wheel. I could possibly stay with them and show Adam that they aren’t to be messed with…but what if Briley does something to make them see we’re together. Are we even together? I have no idea but…I’ll have to tell him to act normal. No, that’ll hurt his feelings unless…

“Briley…” I spoke before they could ask me what was wrong and stepped out of the truck. He walked around the front over to me. “Briley I need you to do something for me.” I made sure I was standing in a spot where no one could see me and placed my hands on his face.

“Okay…what?” he looked up at me through his bangs.

“I want you to act as tough as you can today; I want you to show Adam you aren’t afraid.” I brushed his bangs out of his eyes and placed my hand back on his cheek. He looked slightly scared and I could understand why. This could turn into a horrible day if my plan doesn’t work but he has to trust me. “It’ll be okay, do you trust me?” He nodded quickly and I smiled, he trusts me. “Good.” I kissed him quickly.

“So that means I have to act straight. Like you’re going to do.” He grinned evilly. (A/N: LOL)

“Uhh…” I was utterly speechless. How could someone who was almost a mute be so damn sarcastic?!

“It’s okay Brody I’ll be a good actor.” He smirked and kissed my cheek before walking back over to Zoey who was on her phone as usual. I composed myself quickly and walked with them inside; people looked of course but thankfully those people weren’t the ones I cared about. I followed Zoey and Briley down the halls to their side-by-side lockers. Briley wasn’t doing too bad actually he kept his head up and didn’t look sad like he normally did. After they stuck everything in their lockers Zoey left to go find everyone else leaving Briley and I to go to my locker alone.

“It feels weird…” he spoke once I opened my locker. “To be watched like this.” I looked over at him and he did look a little self conscience though he masked it well.

“Don’t worry about it Bri, they’re just curious as to why you’re with me. People need to learn to keep to themselves.” I said the last part louder and looked over at the group looking at us; some of the eyes that were on us widened and looked away quickly. Briley smiled to himself and looked around at the people who were finally leaving him alone.

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