Chapter 2 - Temper Temper

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Briley’s POV

Brody sat next to me on the ground; I didn’t move I knew what he was. He was one of them; just another popular asshole who takes advantage of the weak. I may be small but I’m not weak. I can take the beating. I kept my head down wanting him to just go away. What does he want anyway? Does he want to beat me too? I’m sure he’d get his way even with everyone here. They don’t care. Only Zoey does. “Hi.” I heard him say making me jump. I didn’t expect him to talk to me. What’s he trying to do? I looked at him accidently making eye contact, ugh I hate that.

“Hi.” I mumbled back not wanting to talk. Maybe he’ll just get up and go away leaving me alone. Oh no these guys don’t just walk away that easy. I didn’t move, maybe I’ll become invisible magically. No…I can’t do that.

“Briley was it?” I looked at him quickly, ugh stupid, stupid. Stop looking at him stupid! I nodded then quickly looked away again. What's this guy’s problem? Leave me alone! I’m not interesting. Stop trying to talk to me.”If you don’t mind me asking…what happened to your lip?” he asked, I bit my lip tasting blood. Adam did this to me; he punched me for no reason, as usual. I hate him. I utterly hate him. I shook my head angered by the thought of him. If I could do something…but no, I can’t. I am weak. I looked at Brody still sitting next to me, he didn’t have the same look Adam has in his eyes every time he sees me. I could see something that looked like…I don’t know how to explain it better than he looked like he cares. He gave me the same look Zoey gives me when she’s trying to talk to me and for some reason it made me smile inside.

“Someone punched me.” I mumbled looking back down not realizing I just spoke to him. Why did I do that?! Because he reminded me of Zoey? Yeah. That makes sense. I peeked over moving just my eyes and saw him clench his jaw. Why?

“Adam punched you didn’t he?” His voice didn’t stutter, his voice was calm. Great. Now he’s going to make fun of me or worse, rip my lip back open. I nodded still peeking at him; he looked over quickly to see me doing so then his eyes looked away from me as he stared into nothingness. I wondered what he was thinking about, why? I have no clue. I kept my eyes on him discretely wanting to see what he would do. “I see.” Was all he said. I looked over at Zoey and she walked up.

“Well don’t you two look cute together?” she smiled like a child. I felt my face heat up. What are you doing? That’s just gross! Oh god. Did she just expose me?

Brody’s POV

That ASS. How could he hurt someone like Briley?! That’s like kicking a puppy! I felt my temper flare but I kept it in. I swear I could kick his ass right now…

“Well don’t you two look cute together?” I heard Zoey say breaking me from my trance. She smiled like the child she was which made me smile. I saw Briley put his head on his knees covering up his entire face with his arms. Did I say something wrong? Or did Zoey? She giggled and I looked at her weird wanting an explanation. Does he always do this? She shook her head still giggling. Okay…my phone vibrated so I grabbed it unwillingly.

Breanne: Brodycakes where are you?

I clenched my jaw again, ugh great.

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