Chapter 13 - Repeat

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Brody’s POV

His soft lips pressed against mine, I was shocked but only for a moment. I kissed him back passionately disregarding the fact I wanted to deepen the kiss. I want to be gentle; I want to show him how much I care. I pulled away and smiled.

“Briley…” I whispered looking deep into his eyes. “Will you…go out with me?” I looked for any negative reaction from him but found none. He nodded and smiled kissing me gently once, not long enough for me to kiss back.

The damn bell rang. I swear I will punch that freaking bell next time it interrupts me.

“As much as I’d like to sit here all day on the floor of the boy’s bathroom with you, we should leave.” He smirked; I rolled my eyes and got up. I held out my hand for him, taking it I lifted him up into a hug.

“I’ll see you later.” I whispered and kissed his forehead before opening the door and letting him out.

I cleaned myself up best I could and texted Zoey I found Briley before I went to class not sure if I needed to but I did. I also got rid of that razor Briley had, I’d don’t want him to ever find it again. If he hurt himself today…I don’t know what I’d do.

After the last bell I went straight to Briley’s locker, since I’ll be gone for the rest of the week I may as well take my bag home. He was already there with Dylan, Zoey and Elexis; Zoey and Dylan were hugging. Hm…time to go into brother mode.

“Five feet.” I said as I was walking up, they looked at me weird. I motioned for them to part; Zoey rolled her eyes.

“Shut up Brody.”

“Don’t make me bump it up to ten.” I crossed my arms trying to look and sound as brotherly as possible.

“Brody I-“

“Ten feet.” I cut her off.

“Ugh!” she stepped away from Dylan. “I am going to make your life a living hell Brody!” I dramatically shook and looked scared. She rolled her eyes again and I laughed.

“Come on lets go home I’m hungry.” Elexis whined; I walked over to Briley and nudged him. He looked up and I smiled winking, he blushed. He’s so damn cute!

“For Steven.” Dylan smirked at his sister, she shoved him playfully.

“Shut up Dylan.” She looked over at Zoey. “You coming?” Zoey nodded and smiled looking back at Briley and I. “You two can come too if you want.” Elexis said looking at me, she didn’t seem like she hated me at the moment. Probably because she took out all her frustrations on Breanne earlier. I looked down at Briley, he nodded.

“Sure.” I smiled.

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