Chapter 9 - More than You Will Ever Know

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Dedicated to ErikaTorres-Moore for the wonderful comments ^^

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Brody’s POV

I looked at my phone waiting for a response wondering what his reaction was, wondering if that little smile appeared on his face like before. I want him here now; I want to know he’s safe here with me; whether or not I get to talk to him. I don’t want Adam to find him.

My phone vibrated and I jumped before looking at the screen.

Briley: I’m at the park…come get me.

I was grabbing my keys and heading out the door before I even realized what I was doing. He wants me there, he wants to see me. See Zoey? He needs to be pushed a little.

I parked in the parking lot and got out; kids were running around on the playground as their mothers gossiped on the benches. Some guys were on the field playing soccer while a couple girls watched giggling. Where Briley? I looked around me but couldn’t see him. C’mon he said he was here it’s not like I can’t see him, he’s wearing all black!

I grabbed my phone and texted him.

Brody: Where are you?

I started walking past the playground looking at my phone.

Briley: In the wooded area.

Wooded area? I looked around again and saw a bunch of trees. Briley why do you have to be such a loner? I put my phone in my pocket and walked over trying not to scratch myself on the overgrown bushes.

“Bri?” I asked dusting myself off, I heard soft footsteps walk up to me and I knew who it was. I looked up and saw Briley standing a foot away, he looked sad but at the same time…relieved? Why would he be relieved to see me? I should be relieved to see him! Which I was, I smiled. “Hey Briley.”

“Brody I-" Before he could finish he screamed and jumped back a couple feet, I looked at him weird.


“S-s-spider!” he stuttered out. After I realized what he meant I started screaming, jumping around, and hitting myself like a maniac. The tiny black monstrosity landed on the ground and I squished it multiple times with my shoe. I hate spiders! Briley started to laugh hysterically once I was finished destroying the disgusting creature that was trying to eat me. I looked up at him confused, what was so funny?

“What?” I dusted myself off again making sure the spiders friends weren’t reaping revenge on my poor body.

“I thought you were manly.” He said through his laughter. “But you’re afraid of a tiny spider.” He burst out laughing even harder.

“Spiders are disgusting, I’m not afraid I just…don’t like them is all.”

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