Chapter 33 - Self Control

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**Explicit content in the beginning of this chapter! You have been warned!

It’s not bad though xD

Bestest song on the side :3 I love red haha


Brody’s POV

Maybe it was the alcohol. Maybe it was the negative thoughts I had about Briley. Maybe it was my hormones. Whatever it was made me actually agree with Skylar. I followed him upstairs to an empty room and walked in; he closed and locked the door behind me. Looking around I noticed it was a guest room; it had only three pictures of birds and flowers and a large queen sized bed, a small bookshelf and two chairs. Rachel’s house was huge; she had like two extra rooms on top of the three bedrooms that were used. I gulped when I focused on the bed again.

His arms wrapped around me from behind, as hot breath on my ear made me shiver. His lips connected with my neck, giving me soft kisses from my ear to the collar of my shirt; his hand snaked up and moved the shirt aside so he could kiss my shoulder. I rolled my head back so it was resting against his shoulder, I inhaled his cologne, the scent somehow making this moment all the hotter. When he bit down I jumped and he licked the sting away as his hand traveled down to my bulge. I really shouldn’t…be doing…this…His hand groped me while his hot mouth started kissing my neck again, this time harder. I raised my arm up to wrap around his neck, grabbing his hair in my fist. He seems to like it rough.

“Let go Brody, I know you have a freaky side to you.” He teased, licking my earlobe. M…maybe I could…just once…it…it’ll be okay. I grabbed his hand that was still groping me with the button and zipper open on my jeans, and moved it up under my shirt. The feel of his hand on my bare skin heated my body to the core, I want more. I want more of his touch. I moved his hand down inside my boxers, moaning as I felt his hand on my hardened member; he smiled against my neck and grabbed hold of me, my hand still on his.

“F…fuck…” I groaned and arched my back into him; my world felt like it was going upside down from the euphoria I was experiencing. Every movement, every touch he was giving me was shooting me over the edge; he knew what he was doing. He stopped and moved his hand, with mine still intertwined, out of my boxers. No! No don’t stop please…don’t…I whimpered and he chuckled lightly.

“Beg,” he breathed and placed his hand on my stomach, underneath my shirt. “Beg for my touch.” I tightened my grip on his hair and hand. No way am I begging for him to touch me…even though it felt amazing…I groaned mentally and turned around to face him. Amusement and lust filled his almost grey eyes, a challenging smile curved over his perfect teeth. I’m not begging for him, I’ll just have him. I placed both hands behind his head, fingers braided into his soft brown hair, and slammed my lips against his with overwhelming passion and lust. Our tongues rubbed against each others, earning moans from the both of us. I was so lost in the moment I barely noticed I began grinding on him again, until he broke the kiss that is. “Brody, beg for me to touch you.” He said breathlessly, pulling away from my grasp. I whined and pouted. What the hell Brody?! He grinned. Fine.

“Skylar…touch me.” I whined, shocked by the words that came out of my mouth. He crossed his arms and smirked. “Ugh! Just get over me and touch me damnit!” I burst out, not really paying attention to what I said. I didn’t care, I want him, I need him. This new feeling is too good to pass up. He uncrossed his arms and stepped over to me again, wrapping his arms around my neck and kissing me hard. I swear my lips are going to look like a freaking supermodels by the time we’re done. His hands trailed down to my ass then a little further down to my thighs. I took his hint and jumped up, wrapping my legs around his waist. I’m surprised he can hold me up, not that I care at this point. All I care about is that our damn pants are blocking us from doing anything productive. I felt him move forward then my back hit something soft. The bed. He stood up and took off his shirt, exposing a perfectly toned torso, then bit his lip moving his hand slowly down his chest and abs, kicking off his shoes. Excitement flooded through my body while he teased me, I want you now damnit hurry up! He unbuttoned his jeans and slipped them off, then went to his boxers, sticking his thumb in the waistband. “Hurry up and get naked dumbass!” He cocked an eyebrow up at me and pulled them off. My eyes widened. F..fuck me.

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