Chapter 23 - It's a Party

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Ugh my joints hurt >.< stupid rain making my joints hurt and such. GO DIE! *unleashes sun* Mwahahahaha!!!

So…Skyrim is AWESOME :D I was like this cat thing and I was stealing everything and killing chickens. I slashed this kid in the arm cause he was being a retard and BAM the ENTIRE WORLD is against me. I walk into a house and get attacked, I get attacked on the road, I get THROWN IN JAIL then my lock pick breaks so I have to wait it out. I was a bad kitty >:3 But then I started over and I was being good XD

Wow. I’m rambling…sorry XD ON TO THE STORY

…I smell food…BACON!


Brody’s POV

My mom and Zoey were giddy to say the least; as soon as I walked out the front doors of the hospital with Briley they screamed and ran to my side wrapping their arms around me, careful not to hurt me. I mean, yeah okay I was close to death and they probably were scared out of their minds but really? I’ve been in the hospital before, I’m fine.

“The court date is set already.” My dad said when he stopped at a light. I was in the backseat of his BMW sitting between Zoey and Briley who both were holding on to my arms; I didn’t mind though. “Its a few weeks from now, I already got you a lawyer so you don’t have to worry about a thing.” He turned to smile at me.

You know, it’s funny how things change when something like this happens. My dad never really showed his feeling to anyone, like how I was before Briley, but now he seems to have his walls down. I’ve never seen him on the brink of crying before; my mom said he finally cracked when the doctors said I may not make it. I never thought he could ever cry, he always seemed so strong. I guess even the strong have weaknesses.

“Thanks dad.” I smiled back.

We drove home and boy was I ever glad to see my house. I swear I will never leave; okay well I will but…still. My parents got out along with Briley and Zoey. I was a little slow to get out because my damn ribs still hurt like hell but I managed. I grabbed Briley around his waist, pulling him close to me, as we all walked to the door. I will finally get peace and quiet, no more annoying beeping sounds, no more pa systems, no more doctors. I can finally lie down, in my own bed, in my own room with Briley beside me.

Life is getting better again.

My dad opened the door wide. “WELCOME HOME BRODY!” a bunch of people screamed. Didn’t I just say PEACE and QUIET?!

Briley’s POV

“WELCOME HOME BRODY!” Everyone screamed once the door was open. Zoey, of course, was behind all of this; she planned a huge party for Brody’s coming home gift. She invited pretty much everyone in the school, even some jocks that were nice. I didn’t really want to go to a party but since it was for Brody I had to, I’ll just stick to myself and keep quiet. I’ll be fine.

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