Chapter 4 - Hasty

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Chapter 4 :D

This ones dedicated to Kaitlyn12598 my first official fan of Fragile Love :D

Hope you guys enjoy :) Next chapter will be up either tomorrow or the next buuut I need some votes first :P maybe 5? Is that too much? No...Pweeeaase? :D


Briley’s POV

As our lips moved together my heart raced. What is he doing? He isn’t gay. He wrapped his arms around me and I almost melted, I wrapped mine around his neck. Oh my god it’s like a dream come true. I felt him lift me up and kick the door closed as he walked me to the bed. This cannot be happening. I’m dreaming. I must be dreaming. No it can’t be even my dreams aren’t as nice as this. He laid me on the bed straddling me; he ran his tongue over my bottom lip asking for entrance. Should I grant him it? Why would he want to? I hesitantly opened my mouth and he darted in claiming it as his own. He was good, really good and he tasted…amazing. I moaned and he smiled still kissing me; my mind was still going a mile a minute, questions popping in with no room for me to think. All I knew was that Brody was kissing me and I liked it…a lot…maybe too much. He kissed my jaw line down to my neck finding my soft spot almost immediately, I moaned again as he started to suck, nibble, lick…he was giving me a hickey but I didn’t give a shit. I wanted this, I wanted him, I wanted it now. I kept moaning and felt my smaller me get excited, oh god I hope he doesn’t notice. He made his way to my collar bone that was exposed from his baggy shirt and nibbled a bit making me moan yet again. I hope Zoey can’t hear me…then he growled when he came down to the shirt. He moved his hands down my sides and started to lift it up, his touch making me tingle. Wait. I broke into a sweat. No. No. He will see me. He will see my scars. He will think I’m insane. I grabbed his wrists and he looked up at me, eyes filled with lust. Just his look turned me on even more but I really didn’t want him to see me. I shook my head with my eyes shut; I didn’t want to see his expression.

“Why?” his voice raspy and deep. I shook my head again forcing back tears. I won’t be able to handle him seeing me and calling me a freak. “I want to.” He said in the same tone looking down at my bare stomach.

“I…I…” I covered my face. “I don’t want you to see me.” I cried out, not loud of course. I could just see his expression now, something along the lines of disgust.

“Why not?” His voice sounded sincere. I looked up at him; he didn’t look the way I thought. He looked the same way he did yesterday. He looked like he cared. No that’s impossible. He wouldn’t care about me. I shook my head again; he placed his hand on my cheek making me look at him in shock. “I want to see you…I won’t judge you…” he murmured which made my heart flutter. He’s lying, I told myself, he will just watch. I ignored the voice in my head and slowly nodded. He smiled and put his hands on my sides, I mentally put a gun to my head waiting to kill myself if he said anything. Dramatic, I know. I lifted up a bit and he took off my shirt, I didn’t look at him.

Brody’s POV

I honestly have no idea what I’m doing. Why did I force myself on him? Why did I continue? Why did I like it? Oh god I liked it, I loved it. So much so I got hard, something Breanne could never even get close to doing. His perfect lips were in sync with mine, his body fit into my arms like we were molded together. My thoughts were not rational to say the least but I don’t think I’ll regret it. This feeling I have…I want to feel it forever.

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