Chapter 20 - Shower

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OMG I’m on chapter 20!!! :D This looks like it’s going to be my longest book :P

I’m having a really hard time listening to all my songs Dx I’m on 380 -____- I have 3 days worth of songs on iTunes NOT including the songs I got from my free music apps … you know what… *changes song* THERE! A day to remember! Finally! XD

~BTW there's explicit sexual…stuff in this chapter. I don’t think there's enough to put it in my rated R chapters file so here’s a warning~



Brody’s POV

“I said I’d never let you fall and I never did!” I jumped and fell off the couch when someone screamed in my ear. What the hell! Really?! Zoey started to laugh along with everyone else; I groaned and pulled myself off the floor. Some song was blasting through the speakers, how did I not wake up from that? “Get up Brody! Jeeze you’re such an old fart.” Ugh I’m so freaking tired…

“Hey! I’m older than him!” Steven called from the kitchen; Zoey just rolled her eyes.

“Schools in like…forty minutes so hurry up and get dressed.” Zoey waved her hand at me.

“Where’s Briley?” I asked her, I didn’t see him anywhere…

“Shower.” I raised my eyebrow and slipped out of the living room with a smirk. “Gross!” I laughed.

I feel bad for what I did to Briley last night so I’m going to make it up to him…if he’s willing to talk to me that is…he looked pretty mad. I mean he slept with Steven and Dylan over me! Yeah he’s probably still mad…I walked up to the upstairs bathroom and opened the door. Tsk tsk Briley you should know better than to leave the door unlocked. The sounds of water hitting the tub filled the room; only a thin plastic curtain separates his nakedness from me, just the way I like it.

I closed the door quietly and locked it before taking off my clothes; I’m so glad there's loud music downstairs. I walked over to the tub and slid the curtain over slowly to reveal my Briley to me; he was facing away, water trickling down his perfect body. Fuck he’s amazing. I stepped in without him noticing and wrapped my arms around him quickly.

“AH! RAPE!” He screamed and tried to wiggle away then stopped short and turned. “You…you…I don’t like you.” He turned around and crossed his arms.

“I’m sorry for what I did to you last night Bri…let me make it up to you.” I whispered in his ear and licked a droplet of water off his neck. I don’t care where we are, I want to pleasure Briley.

~Sexiness ahead, if you’re uncomfortable RUN AWAY XD no jk don't run just skip it haha~

“No. I don’t like you. I’m mad at you. Go away.” He didn’t move from his spot. Ugh. He’s so stubborn sometimes…I moved my hands around his wet chest, glided down his abs and back again just wanting to explore him. “Brody go away.” I could hear the uncertainty in his voice so I continued.  I really can’t keep my hands off this boy…I moved both hands down to his thighs making him moan and me go hard.

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