Chapter 22 - Hallelujah

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I hate hospitals…

Song on the side is what started playing as soon as I started to write this :( It was sad


Brody’s POV

Beep, beep,beep.

Rhythmic noises surrounded me. I tried to open my eyes, my vision blurry and faint. I could see large bright lights overhead, I was moving. “Brody stay with me Brody.” Briley’s voice echoed through my mind as I blacked out again.

“Clear!” My body jolted from the rush of electricity forced in me. Buzz… “Clear!” My body jerked again and finally I could feel my heart start. Beep beep beep.

“Come on Brody wake up. Wake up. Please wake up…” A soft voice broke through my blank mind. I fluttered my heavy eyes open, the lights above me stayed still, I had stopped moving. Where am I? Am I dead? I slowly blinked trying to focus, something was on my hand, something warm that seemed to send tingles through my arm. It felt like Briley’s touch.

Beepbeep beepbeep.

My heart quickened as I turned to see the faint outline of him. My Briley. My love. My angel. I tried to speak but I could barely move; I felt slow like I was drugged. Then I realized where I was. I wasn’t dead I was in the hospital. I’m alive!

“Brody?” His beautiful voice sounded like music to my ears; he stood up slowly still holding on to my hand. I tried to squeeze my hand and succeeded slightly, my arm felt like it was holding me back. I blinked again and my vision cleared more revealing a tear ridden Briley in front of me. I desperately wanted to wipe those tears away; I wanted to tell him I’m okay and that I love him. I love him so much. I smiled best I could though it hurt; he began to sob. “I thought I lost you Brody.”

“I…” I started to speak, my throat hurt like I haven’t talked in years. “I love you Bri.” I rasped hoping I was understandable. He raised my hand to his face and kissed it, tears still falling from his beautiful eyes. I barely remember what happened now, all I remember is Adam stabbing me then seeing Briley walk in. How did he survive? Is he hurt? I looked over his body, over his bare arms to check for cuts or bruises. Nothing. I looked at his face and still nothing. He was okay, and that’s all that matters.

“I love you too.” He whispered against my fingers.

“You’re awake!” Someone yelled opening the door; I slowly turned to see who it was. Zoey stood there, her makeup almost completely wiped off. She looked like she’s been crying for days. “The…the doctor said if you didn’t wake up in a few days you…would be…gone.” She choked on her tears and ran over to me. “But you’re okay!” She looked as if she wanted to hug me but stopped herself. How long have I been out? With the way I’m feeling I could have been out for ten years and not know it…

“A week and a half.” Briley answered my silent question. I’ve been out for that long? Jesus…

“Briley stayed by your side the entire time.” Another voice spoke up I looked over and saw my dad in the doorway not looking much better than Zoey and Briley but he masked it well. He walked over behind Briley and placed a hand on his shoulder, he knows Briley? Well I guess if he didn’t leave my side. Wait. He didn’t leave me this entire time? My heart quickened slightly; he stayed here for me. He wanted to make sure I was okay. “I don’t know how he did it but he never left this room, he even got into a fight with one of the nurses.” He chuckled. “I’m glad your okay son, I knew you would be, you’re strong.” He smiled, I tried to smile back. God why can’t I move? It’s annoying, I want to hold Briley but I can’t even lift my damn finger.

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