Chapter 16 - Expressions

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So sorry this took so long, I'm trying to write as much as I can. I just dont want to write sucky chapters because of the freaking flu >.<

Vote :3

Sorry about mistakes...

(Also I saw fragile love was teen fiction #209 yesterday!!! I was sooo happy!!! thank you so much guys!! :D)


Brody’s POV

I can’t believe we did that; we had sex…no we made love. To be honest I was completely ecstatic we did but I was a little nervous as to how I did. Did I go too slow? Too fast? Did he think I was small? Did I let go too soon?

All these questions circled in my mind while Briley slept soundly on my bare chest under the stars.

What am I saying? I made him scream my name and he did the same for me, something I never did before to anyone. This was the best night of my life; I just wish I was a virgin so Briley and I both could lose it together. Still, it felt amazing to know I fixed him; that I showed him true love.

“Brody…” someone’s voice whispered through my dreams. “Brody…” something shook me whispering louder. I mumbled incoherently and shifted. “Brody!” I jumped up and looked around hastily.

“What? What's wrong?!”I looked around at the surrounding forest looking for some kind of animal or mad man.

“I’m scared.” Briley whispered beside me; I calmed down and looked over at him. He had his shirt covering himself as he sat cross-legged on the blanket.

“Oh, I’m sorry baby.” I yawned. “Let’s go into the tent…” I stood up; he looked at my naked figure and looked away. The moonlight from above shone down on his red cheeks. Not wanting to make him uncomfortable I found my boxers and pulled them on.

It’s funny; one minute he’s going wild and the next he’s back to his shy self. I want him to show that wild side of his more, and I know how to make it rear its head.

“Unless you don’t want to go back to sleep…” I said trying to sound as sexy as possible. He looked up at me and rolled his eyes before slipping on his boxers under the shirt. Damn.

“Come on it’s starting to get cold.” He wrapped his arms around himself.

“I can warm you up…” I stepped towards him and brushed my thumb over his soft lips.

“Yes, by giving me a blanket and a tent to sleep in.” Shit. Damn he’s good. I’ll have to try harder; I desperately want to see his other side.

“Screw the blanket and the sleep.” I leaned in so our lips were just barely touching and whispered. “I can make you sweat.”

“You can, can you?” he bit my bottom lip and pulled a little making me moan; if I didn’t know any better I’d think he’s done this before but I know he hasn’t, he’s just damn good at what he does. “I bet I can make you sweat more.” I could feel myself getting hard just at his words. “I can make you scream for more…” he pressed our lower halves together and grinded his hips on my excited self. I moaned again. He stopped after a bit and kissed me quickly. “But I won’t.” he smiled and backed away from me.

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